In all 29 species with the two highlights being birds that you could associate with the sea! Firstly, in the distance, a line of 3 cormorants heading north east (shown here) and then a single common gull (shown below showing diagnostic large white mirrors on the primary feathers and greeny/yellow legs) in fields near Millfield Cottage. A singing yellowhammer is also depicted here.
Several jays were recorded, along with a minimum of 4 singing skylarks. 3 mallards flew over and a moorhen called from one of the many flooded ditches. At Cradle End a nuthatch called from the woods as I counted in excess of 25 yellowhammers in the hedgerow.
Near Bury Green an early morning common buzzard flew off as great spotted woodpeckers drummed and green woodpeckers called. A good wander in still cold conditions.
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