Places visited:
Lynford Aboretum
Snettisham RSPB
Titchwell RSPB
Choseley Drying Barns
Brancaster Harbour
Kelling Heath
Cley East Bank
Cley Beach
Holkham, Lady Anne's Drive.
North Point Pools, Wells Next the Sea
Welney WWT
The Fens.
Species seen and heard. More unusual species, site noted.
- Mute Swan
- Bewick's Swan (Welney)
- Whooper Swan (The Fens)
- Pink Footed Goose
- Greylag goose
- Canada Goose
- Brent goose
- Shelduck
- Egyptian Goose
- Mallard
- Gadwall
- Pintail (Titchwell and Cley)
- Shoveler
- Wigeon
- Teal
- Pochard
- Scaup (Welney)
- Tufted Duck
- Common scoter (Titchwell)
- Long Tailed duck (Snettisham)
- Goldeneye (Snettisham)
- Red breasted merganser (Titchwell beach)
- Pheasant
- Red Legged partridge
- Grey Partridge (Choseley)
- Great crested grebe
- Cormorant
- Cattle egret (Welney)
- Little egret
- Grey heron
- Red Kite
- Marsh Harrier
- Hen Harrier (Titchwell)
- Common buzzard
- Kestrel
- Water Rail (Titchwell)
- Moorhen
- Coot
- Oystercatcher
- Avocet
- Ringed Plover
- Golden Plover
- Lapwing
- Knot (Snettisham)
- Sanderling (Titchwell)
- Turnstone
- Dunlin
- Redshank
- Spotted Redshank (Titchwell)
- Black tailed godwit
- Bar tailed godwit
- Curlew
- Black headed gull
- Common gull
- Mediterranean Gull (Titchwell)
- Herring gull
- Lesser black backed gull
- Great black backed gull
- Stock Dove (Welney)
- Wood pigeon
- Collared dove
- Green woodpecker (Holkham)
- Skylark
- Woodlark (Kelling Heath)
- Meadow pipit
- Water Pipit (North Point Pools)
- Dunnock
- Robin
- Wren
- Song Thrush
- Fieldfare
- Blackbird
- Cettis Warbler (heard)
- Goldcrest
- Great tit
- Blue tit
- Coal tit
- Long tailed tit
- Marsh Tit (heard, Lynford Arboretum)
- Treecreeper (Lynford Arboretum)
- Magpie
- Jackdaw
- Carrion Crow
- Rook
- Starling
- House Sparrow
- Tree Sparrow (Welney)
- Chaffinch
- Brambling (Lynford and Titchwell)
- Linnet
- Goldfinch
- Siskin (Lynford)
- Bullfinch (Kelling Heath)
- Reed Bunting
- Yellowhammer (Lynford Arboretum)