
Tuesday 3 January 2023

Year List 2023 Updated 08.08.23


Drake Gadwall having a wash. Shoveler Hide, Stanstead Innings

Jay at food near the yacht club, Stanstead Innings

  1. Great crested grebe
  2. Little grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Grey heron
  5. Mute swan
  6. Greylag goose
  7. Canada goose
  8. Shelduck
  9. Egyptian goose
  10. Mallard
  11. Gadwall
  12. Teal
  13. Shoveler
  14. Red crested pochard (Amwell 02.01.23)
  15. Tufted duck
  16. Pochard
  17. Red Kite
  18. Common buzzard
  19. Kestrel
  20. Pheasant
  21. Moorhen
  22. Coot
  23. Lapwing
  24. Black headed gull
  25. Herring gull
  26. Lesser black backed gull
  27. Common gull
  28. Stock dove
  29. Wood pigeon
  30. Collared dove
  31. Green woodpecker
  32. Great spotted woodpecker
  33. Lesser spotted woodpecker (Rye Meads 02.01.23)
  34. Dunnock
  35. Robin
  36. Wren
  37. Cetti's warbler
  38. Blackcap
  39. Blackbird
  40. Song thrush
  41. Mistle thrush
  42. Redwing
  43. Long tailed tit
  44. Great tit
  45. Blue tit
  46. Coal tit
  47. Chaffinch
  48. Goldfinch
  49. House sparrow
  50. Starling
  51. Jay
  52. Magpie
  53. Rook
  54. Carrion crow
  55. Jackdaw
  56. Goldcrest (St Mary's Churchyard, Dunmow)
  57. Nuthatch (St Mary's Churchyard, Dunmow)
  58. Siskin (Grange Paddock)
  59. Grey wagtail (Grange Paddocks)
  60. Kingfisher (Grange Paddocks)
  61. Linnets (Hadham Hall)
  62. Skylark (Hadham Hall)
  63. Great white egret (Tring)
  64. Little egret (Tring)
  65. Wigeon (Stockers Lake)
  66. Goldeneye (Tring)
  67. Sparrowhawk (Tring)
  68. Red legged partridge (Wareside)
  69. Water rail (heard Stockers Lake)
  70. Green sandpiper (Tring)
  71. Rose ringed parakeet (Stockers Lake)
  72. Pied wagtail (Tring)
  73. Meadow pipit (Stansted airport Lagoons)
  74. Treecreeper (Much Hadham)
  75. Fieldfare (Perry Green)
  76. Raven (Sidehill Wood, Much Hadham)
  77. Bearded Reedling (Rye Meads RSPB)
  78. Greenfinch (Southern Country Park)
  79. Tawny Owl (Hatfield Forest)
  80. Hawfinch (Hatfield Forest)
  81. Smew (Abberton)
  82. Great Northern diver (Abberton)
  83. Long tailed duck (Abberton)
  84. Redshank (Abberton)
  85. Great black backed gull (Abberton)
  86. Dunlin (Abberton)
  87. Goldeneye (Abberton)
  88. Ringed plover (Abberton)
  89. Caspian gull (Abberton)
  90. Black necked grebe (Abberton)
  91. Goosander (Abberton)
  92. Black tailed godwit (Abberton)
  93. Bewick's swan (Abberton)
  94. Stonechat (Abberton)
  95. Bullfinch (Little Hadham)
  96. Pink footed goose (Wells)
  97. Pintail (Cley)
  98. Marsh Harrier (Cley)
  99. Avocet (Cley)
  100. Snipe (Cley)
  101. Bittern (flew over road at Cley)
  102. Curlew (Blakeney)
  103. Oystercatcher (Wells)
  104. Common scoter (Holkham)
  105. Firecrest (Holkham)
  106. Grey Partridge (Holkham)
  107. Turnstone (Brancaster)
  108. Marsh Tit (Sculthorpe Moor)
  109. Lesser Redpoll (Sculthorpe Moor)
  110. Mealy Redpoll (Sculthorpe Moor)
  111. Sparrowhawk (Stanstead Innings)
  112. Chiffchaff (Little Hadham)
  113. Yellowhammer (Little Hadham)
  114. Little Owl (Little Hadham)
  115. Barn owl (Little Hadham)
  116. Ruff (Heybridge Basin)
  117. Golden plover (Heybridge Basin)
  118. Grey Plover (East Mersea)
  119. Black Redstart (Brightlingsea)
  120. Bar Tailed godwit (Heybridge Basin)
  121. Mandarin (Westland Green)
  122. Gannet (Holkham beach)
  123. White fronted geese (Holkham Freshmarsh)
  124. Shore Lark (Holkham beach)
  125. Snow bunting (Cley beach car park)
  126. Sanderling (Titchwell beach)
  127. Spoonbill (Cley Reserve)
  128. Whooper swan (Titchwell)
  129. Brent goose (Brancaster)
  130. Red breasted merganser (Holkham beach)
  131. Mediterranean Gull (Titchwell)
  132. Sandwich tern (Dungeness)
  133. Fulmar (Dungeness)
  134. Willow warbler (SAL)
  135. Swallow (SAL)
  136. House martin (SAL)
  137. Woodcock (over garden)
  138. Sedge warbler (Stort Navigation)
  139. Reed warbler (Stort Navigation)
  140. Whitethroat (Spellbrook)
  141. Little Ringed plover (Lea Valley)
  142. Common Tern (Lea Valley)
  143. Nightingale (heard, Lea Valley)
  144. Reed Bunting (Stort Navigation)
  145. Wheatear (Kelling Quags)
  146. Ring Ouzel (Warham Greens)
  147. Lesser whitethroat (Warham Greens)
  148. Garden warbler (Warham Greens)
  149. Sand Martin (Kelling quags)
  150. Temminck's Stint (Titchwell)
  151. Cuckoo (Titchwell)
  152. Wood Lark (Kelling Heath)
  153. Common sandpiper (Titchwell)
  154. Whinchat (Kelling Quags)
  155. Great white egret (Lakenheath)
  156. Swift (Lakenheath)
  157. Hobby (Lakenheath)
  158. Stone curlew (Weeting Heath)
  159. Whimbrel (Rye Harbour)
  160. Peregrine (Dungeness)
  161. Cattle egret (Dungeness)
  162. Garganey (Filey Dams)
  163. Red Grouse (North York Moors)
  164. Shag (Flamborough Head)
  165. Honey Buzzard (Wykeham Forest)
  166. Kittiwake (Bempton Cliffs)
  167. Puffin (Bempton Cliffs)
  168. Guillemot (Bempton Cliffs)
  169. Razorbill (Bempton Cliffs)
  170. Bee Eater (Hightor Low)
  171. Yellow Wagtail (Hightor Low)
  172. Grasshopper Warbler (Flamborough Head)
  173. Willow Tit (Wykeham Forest)
  174. Tree Sparrow (Bempton Cliffs)
  175. Common Crossbill (Wykeham Forest)
  176. Manx shearwater (Cley beach)
  177. Cory's Shearwater (Cley beach)
  178. Sooty Shearwater (Cley beach)
  179. Curlew sandpiper (Cley)
  180. Wood sandpiper (Cley)
  181. Red throated diver (Cley)
Siskin, Grange Paddocks

Kingfisher, River Stort

Treecreeper, Mill Wood, Much Hadham

Bewick's swan at Abberton

Goldeneye, Abberton

Female Goosander, Abberton

Drake Goosander, Abberton

Smew, possible 1st year male with Pochard, Abberton

Covey of Grey partridge by the cafe at Holkham

Sparrow hawk at Stanstead Innings

Guillemot at Bempton Cliffs

Puffin at Bempton

Fulmar on the cliff updraft


Tree Sparrow

Black Redstart

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