
Friday 6 January 2023

Tring Reservoirs and Stockers Lake 06.01.23

 Early start to Tring. First stop was Tescos for a coffee on the outskirts of Tring where a flock of Siskins were feeding in half light at 7.45am on Alder cones in the car park.

Off to Wilstone, the largest of the reservoirs and and a wander around the the hide. Light slowly got better but we knew birds would be distant so had left the cameras in the car. Usual fare: Shovelers, Teal, Tufted Ducks, Mallards, Pochards, Greylags, Canada geese, Cormorants and Lapwings. Upon leaving the hide, great views of a Goldcrest. Rick had a Med gull which wasn't seen again as we checked all the Black headed gulls

Further around we stopped to scan the far bank, a Green sandpiper was our only wader of the day (apart from the 100's of Lapwings.) A check on the trees here but just a Blue tit. Back to the car and a drive around to Startops, Marsworth and Tringford Reservoirs.

Nothing noteworthy on Startops, 2 pairs of very distant Goldeneye on Marsworth and 4 Little egrets, several Grey herons and a Great white egret at Tringford.

From here, back to Tescos for another coffee and then a walk around the entire perimeter of Stocker's Lake near Rickmansworth. Rose ringed parakeets were ubiquitous, shovelers a plenty, Long tailed tits everywhere, more Grey herons and a Water rail heard from the footpath.

Good numbers of Great crested grebe, before a trip back to the car and home for 4.30pm with a good trip along the M25.

Species List:

  1. Great crested grebe
  2. Cormorant
  3. Grey heron
  4. Little egret
  5. Great white egret
  6. Mute swan
  7. Greylag goose
  8. Canada goose
  9. Mallard
  10. Gadwall
  11. Wigeon
  12. Teal
  13. Shoveler
  14. Tufted duck
  15. Goldeneye
  16. Red kite
  17. Common buzzard
  18. Sparrowhawk
  19. Red legged partridge
  20. Water rail (heard)
  21. Moorhen
  22. Coot
  23. Lapwing
  24. Green sandpiper
  25. Black headed gull
  26. Common gull
  27. Herring gull
  28. Lesser black backed gull
  29. Mediterranean Gull
  30. Wood pigeon
  31. Collared dove
  32. Rose ringed parakeet
  33. Pied wagtail
  34. Goldcrest
  35. Robin
  36. Wren
  37. Blackbird
  38. Redwing
  39. Long tailed tit
  40. Great tit
  41. Blue tit
  42. Chaffinch
  43. Goldfinch
  44. Linnet
  45. Siskin
  46. House sparrow
  47. Starling
  48. Jay (heard)
  49. Magpie
  50. Carrion crow
  51. Rook
  52. Jackdaw.    In total, 10 year listers.
Hybrid drake mallard x ?

Drake Pochard

Grey heron

Shoveler drake


Grey squirrel

Great crested grebe

Mute swan

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