
Monday 2 January 2023

New Year list starts at Rye Meads and Amwell

 Early start and arrived at Stanstead Innings at first light. Usual fare as I wandered around to the Otter Hide near the River Lea. Nothing unusual here but the light was better so some pleasing shots of Gadwall and Cormorant.

The website stated that Rye Meads reserve was closed, so I decided against walking all the way around via the water treatment works. Long walk to discover I couldn't access the reserve, so back to the car and I drove around. Not only was it open, but the busiest I have ever seen it. 

Not too much on the board so I headed off to visit the hides. Again, nothing unexpected until a small bird flew overhead as I came out of the Kingfisher Hub. It dipped down into a row of willows near the boardwalk and was lost to view. Spent half an hour checking for this bird to confirm it was a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker but was unable to find it. Later in the day it showed well and some lucky souls got photos.

A female Blackcap by the Ashby Hide was pleasing before a final check on the Draper Hide but just Shoveler, Gadwall, single duck pochard and a Green woodpecker.

Off to Amwell in what remained good light until around 2.15 when it clouded over. Again, expected birds here, with Long Tailed tits everywhere. Highlight was two pairs of Red crested pochard.

 Red kites and Common buzzards overhead and a Kestrel on the way home with plenty of photos to process.

Egyptian goose at the Yachting Club

BHG, Amwell

LBBG, Amwell

Red Kite high over Hollycross Lake

Long tailed tit, Amwell

Redwing, Amwell

Very distant Red crested Pochard pair

Tufted duck


LBBG, Rye Meads

Lapwings from the Gadwall Hide

Blue tit from the Kingfisher Hub

Drake mallard portrait


Female Mallard portrait

Well hidden Green Woodpecker


Canada Goose, Rye Meads

Jay, Stanstead Innings

GSW near the Yachting Club

Series of a Gadwall having morning wash in low light from the Shoveler Hide, Stanstead Innings

Another Long tailed tit

Cormorant from the Otter Hide

Drake Gadwall from the Otter Hide

Female Tufted duck

First light at the Yachting Club

Early morning Tufted duck

Early morning coot

Species List:

  1. Great crested grebe
  2. Little grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Grey heron
  5. Mute swan
  6. Greylag goose
  7. Canada goose
  8. Shelduck
  9. Egyptian goose
  10. Mallard
  11. Gadwall
  12. Teal
  13. Shoveler
  14. Red crested pochard
  15. Tufted duck
  16. Pochard
  17. Red Kite
  18. Common buzzard
  19. Kestrel
  20. Pheasant
  21. Moorhen
  22. Coot
  23. Black headed gull
  24. Herring gull
  25. Lesser black backed gull
  26. Common gull
  27. Stock dove
  28. Wood pigeon
  29. Collared dove
  30. Green woodpecker
  31. Great spotted woodpecker
  32. Lesser spotted woodpecker
  33. Dunnock
  34. Robin
  35. Wren
  36. Cetti's warbler
  37. Blackcap
  38. Blackbird
  39. Song thrush
  40. Mistle thrush
  41. Redwing
  42. Long tailed tit
  43. Great tit
  44. Blue tit
  45. Coal tit
  46. Chaffinch
  47. Goldfinch
  48. House sparrow
  49. Starling
  50. Jay
  51. Magpie
  52. Rook
  53. Carrion crow
  54. Jackdaw

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