
Sunday 22 January 2023

Abberton Reservoir visit: 22.01.23

 As Wendy had some work in Witham, I dropped her off at 10am and headed to Abberton, just south of Colchester.

Coffee in the wonderful Visitors' Centre and then around to the 3 hides overlooking the water. All birds are distant so a scope is fairly essential. Distant views of Long tailed duck, Caspian gull and a Great Northern diver along with thousands of wildfowl, including 2 Bewick's swans and a pair of Goosander.

Once I have completed the circuit, off to the 1st of 2 causways that cross the reservoir. From here, great views of plenty more Goosanders, Pochards, Black necked grebe before I encountered a distant female Smew.

Then, round to the Layer Breton Causeway where most of the water was frozen. Here, 100's of shovelers along with 10's of Pochards.

Super time with many year listers and some pleasing photos in good light.

Species List (YL = year lister.)

  1. Great crested grebe
  2. Little grebe
  3. Black necked grebe (YL)
  4. Great Northern diver (YL)
  5. Cormorant
  6. Grey heron
  7. Great white egret
  8. Mute swan
  9. Bewick's swan (YL)
  10. Greylag goose
  11. Canada goose
  12. Egyptian goose
  13. Mallard
  14. Gadwall
  15. Wigeon
  16. Teal
  17. Shoveler
  18. Tufted duck
  19. Pochard
  20. Goldeneye (YL)
  21. Long tailed duck (YL)
  22. Goosander (YL)
  23. Smew (YL)
  24. Red Kite
  25. Common buzzard
  26. Kestrel
  27. Moorhen
  28. Coot
  29. Ringed plover (YL)
  30. Lapwing
  31. Dunlin (YL)
  32. Redshank (YL)
  33. Black tailed godwit (YL)
  34. Black headed gull
  35. Herring gull
  36. Common gull
  37. Lesser black backed gull
  38. Great Black backed gull (YL)
  39. Caspian gull (YL)
  40. Wood pigeon
  41. Skylark
  42. Meadow pipit
  43. Pied wagtail
  44. Robin
  45. Stonechat (YL)
  46. Blackbird
  47. Redwing
  48. Long tailed tit
  49. Great tit
  50. Blue tit
  51. Wren
  52. Chaffinch
  53. Goldfinch
  54. House sparrow
  55. Starling
  56. Jay
  57. Magpie
  58. Jackdaw
  59. Carrion crow
  60. Rook
Robin in the car park being used to check settings on the camera.

Stonechat, photo directly into the sun.

Very distant Grey heron

Black tailed godwit

Great white egret in a distant tree.

Great crested grebe

Great white egret

drake Goosander

Goosander pair

Female Goosander

Same bird

Another drake Goosander

Great crested grebe

Bewick's Swan

Bewick's with a wigeon

Female Goldeneye

Another shot of a Bewick's

Wigeon drake

Very distant Caspian gull. Huge crop

sleeping Smew, female.

Drake pochard

Egyptian goose

Another Bewick's swan

Female Smew

Smew and Egyptian goose

Dunlin with female Teal

Shovelers on ice

Drake shoveler

Black headed gull on ice

A very distant Fox. About 3/4 of a mile away

Drake Teal

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