
Tuesday 29 November 2022

Norfolk 29.11.22

 Great to be back in Norfolk but the light was just dreadful and sometimes considerably worse! Visited Holkham Gap on the beach where Red breasted merganser, Goldeneye, Red throated diver and Slavonian Grebe were noted out to sea. No sign of the hoped for Shorelarks, but Common scoter through my scope became Rick's 200th bird for the year.

Off to CleySpy to get Rick kitted out with a new scope and tripod and then off to Gramborough Hill at Salthouse. Virtually birdless so headed east to Titchwell where the light meant photos were impossible, as proved below!

Titchwell held a mixed flock of finches feeding in alder along the footpath from the entrance but high water levels meant very few waders on the Freshmarsh.

The beach was better with plenty seen including good numbers of Bar tailed godwits. Out to see, just Great crested grebes. By 3.45pm we watched 7 Marsh harriers come into roost before returning home by 6.40. A good day and Rick very pleased with his new scope. 

Species list:

  1. Red throated diver
  2. Great crested grebe
  3. Slavonian grebe
  4. Cormorant
  5. Little egret
  6. Great white egret
  7. Mute swan
  8. Whooper swan
  9. Greylag goose
  10. Pink-footed goose
  11. Brent goose
  12. Shelduck
  13. Mallard
  14. Gadwall
  15. Wigeon
  16. Teal
  17. Shoveler
  18. Tufted duck
  19. Common scoter
  20. Goldeneye
  21. Red breasted merganser
  22. Red kite
  23. Marsh harrier
  24. Kestrel
  25. Merlin (possible, very brief glimpse)
  26. Pheasant
  27. Moorhen
  28. Oystercatcher
  29. Golden plover
  30. Grey plover
  31. Turnstone
  32. Lapwing
  33. Dunlin
  34. Sanderling
  35. Redshank
  36. Curlew
  37. Snipe
  38. Black tailed godwit
  39. Bar tailed godwit
  40. Black headed gull
  41. Common gull
  42. Herring gull
  43. Lesser black backed gull
  44. Great black backed gull
  45. Wood pigeon
  46. Collared dove
  47. Skylark
  48. Rock pipit
  49. Meadow pipit
  50. Pied wagtail
  51. Dunnock
  52. Cetti's warbler (heard)
  53. Goldcrest
  54. Robin
  55. Blackbird
  56. Redwing
  57. Long tailed tit
  58. Great tit
  59. Blue tit
  60. Wren
  61. Treecreeper
  62. Chaffinch
  63. Brambling
  64. Goldfinch
  65. Greenfinch
  66. Siskin
  67. Linnet
  68. Starling
  69. Jackdaw
  70. Rook
  71. Carrion crow
  72. Magpie
  73. Jay
Redshank at Salthouse

Dunkins on Titchwell beach

Black tailed godwit, Titchwell

Black headed gull, Salthouse

Titchwell beach curlew

Titchwell Little egret

Little egret, Titchwell beach

Great white egret at Titchwell: 3.25pm in near darkness. 200th second at 3200 ISO!

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