
Thursday 26 January 2023

Very Grey day in Norfolk 25.01.23

 Off to Norfolk and straight to Cley beach in misty and cold conditions. Very little out to sea, so a walk down the East Bank and a check for Snow buntings, but none apparent. Few obvious year listers here, along with a very showy Stonechat.

Popped into the Visitors' Centre for a coffee before heading, via Wells to Holkham Pines and Holkham Gap. As I drove towards Blakeney from Cley a Bittern flew right in front of the car and into reeds by the river.

At Holkham, a walk to find the Shore Lark and Snow Buntings, but all the birders here were reporting that they were not present. So it proved. A bouncing flock of Linnets was scant reward for a 3 mile walk, but a covey of Grey Partridge and a splendid Firecrest made the stop here worthwhile. Huge numbers of Wigeon and Teal, with 100's of Pink footed geese overhead, but no sign of the White fronted geese.

Popped into Brancaster and a quick check on the harbour, but just added Turnstone to both the day and year list. By now the light was really dark so I changed my plan and headed for Sculthorpe Moor near Fakenham rather than a wander around Titchwell.

Super reserve at Sculthorpe but the light was appalling, so left the camera in the car. Siskins and Redpolls darted around Alders and in with these, a larger Mealy Redpoll. At one of the many feeding stations, several Marsh Tits before I headed home in torrential rain.

Disappointing from the photography point of view, but good to be back in Norfolk, my first trip this year.


  1. Great crested grebe
  2. Little grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Grey heron
  5. Little egret
  6. Bittern
  7. Mute swan
  8. Greylag goose
  9. Pink footed goose
  10. Brent goose
  11. Canada goose
  12. Shelduck
  13. Egyptian goose
  14. Mallard
  15. Gadwall
  16. Teal
  17. Wigeon
  18. Pintail
  19. Shoveler
  20. Tufted duck
  21. Common scoter
  22. Red kite
  23. Marsh harrier
  24. Kestrel
  25. Common buzzard
  26. Grey partridge
  27. Pheasant
  28. Water rail (heard)
  29. Moorhen
  30. Coot
  31. Avocet
  32. Turnstone
  33. Lapwing
  34. Dunlin
  35. Redshank
  36. Curlew
  37. Black tailed godwit
  38. Snipe
  39. Black headed gull
  40. Common gull
  41. Lesser black backed gull
  42. Great black backed gull
  43. Herring gull
  44. Wood pigeon
  45. Collared dove
  46. Skylark
  47. Meadow pipit
  48. Pied wagtail
  49. Dunnock
  50. Firecrest
  51. Goldcrest
  52. Cetti's warbler
  53. Stonechat
  54. Robin
  55. Blackbird
  56. Song thrush
  57. Fieldfare
  58. Redwing
  59. Long tailed tit
  60. Great tit
  61. Coal tit
  62. Blue tit
  63. Marsh tit
  64. Nuthatch
  65. Wren
  66. Reed bunting
  67. Chaffinch
  68. Goldfinch
  69. Greenfinch
  70. Siskin
  71. Lesser redpoll
  72. Mealy redpoll
  73. Linnet
  74. House sparrow
  75. Starling
  76. Jay
  77. Magpie
  78. Rook
  79. Jackdaw
  80. Carrion crow.
Stonechat in very poor light

1000's of Wigeon, Holkham

Grey Partridge, Holkham

Firecrest, disappointing photo from Holme Oak at Holkham.

1 comment:

  1. Great bird list despite the weather JOno.
