
Friday 18 November 2022

Day at Abberton Reservoir

Early start for a day at Abberton reservoir near Colchester. Arrived at the Layer Breton Causeway in very poor light where plenty was noted. Goosanders, up to 10 were the main pick whilst 100's of Shovelers, Grey herons, a strange hybrid Baikal teal were all to be seen. Great egrets and 20 Little egrets, a flyby kingfisher, teal, mallards and several pochards.

Off to a view point looking over the reservoir: Dunlin, a solitary little stint, numerous lapwings and golden plover all in view before we headed to the 2nd causeway in search of several rarer species. Came across a female Scaup mingling with 100's of tufted duck whilst we watched a female Hen harrier pluck and eat a dead bird before it got fed up with the attention of 2 carrion crows and flew off with the prey. Redshank, Meadow pipits and good numbers of Pied wagtails on the dam.

Off to the splendid visitors' centre for a 10.30am coffee and then a wander to the 3 hides overlooking the water. A ruff from the Hide Bay Hide but no sign of the Bewick swans or Great Northern diver. A few visitors reported a short eared owl near the island hide, but not apparent when we returned to check the area so a plan to head towards Mersea Island. 

As we drove over the causeway again we noted a fair few birders so parked to check what the interest was. A Long tailed duck, Slavonian grebe and male Scaup were all relatively close in and by the time we had finished here it was too late for a drive to Mersea. Consequently, headed back to Layer Breton causeway and caught up with another Kingfisher and more Goosanders, the most I have ever seen at this site. A grey wagtail made the day list before we headed back home via Marks Tey. A 73 species day being an excellent return for a visit to just one site. Well worth a winter trip, but do wrap up warm as it is always freezing cold on the causeways!

Species List:

  1. Great crested grebe
  2. Slavonian grebe
  3. Little grebe
  4. Cormorant
  5. Grey heron
  6. Little egret
  7. Great Egret
  8. Mute swan
  9. Greylag goose
  10. Canada goose
  11. Egyptian goose
  12. Mallard
  13. Gadwall
  14. Wigeon
  15. Pochard
  16. Teal
  17. Baikal teal hybrid
  18. Pintail
  19. Shoveler
  20. Tufted duck
  21. Scaup
  22. Goldeneye
  23. Goosander
  24. Red kite
  25. Sparrowhawk
  26. Common buzzard
  27. Marsh harrier
  28. Hen Harrier
  29. Kestrel
  30. Red legged partridge
  31. Pheasant
  32. Moorhen
  33. Coot
  34. Golden plover
  35. Lapwing
  36. Dunlin
  37. Redshank
  38. Ruff
  39. Black tailed godwit
  40. Snipe
  41. Black headed gull
  42. Herring gull
  43. Great black backed gull
  44. Lesser black backed gull
  45. Common gull
  46. Stock dove
  47. Wood pigeon
  48. Kingfisher
  49. Great spotted woodpecker (heard)
  50. Skylark
  51. Meadow pipit
  52. Pied wagtail
  53. Grey wagtail
  54. Dunnock
  55. Cetti's warbler (heard)
  56. Stonechat
  57. Robin
  58. Blackbird
  59. Fieldfare
  60. Long tailed tit
  61. Great tit
  62. Blue tit
  63. Wren
  64. Reed bunting
  65. Chaffinch
  66. Goldfinch
  67. Linnet
  68. House sparrow
  69. Starling
  70. Magpie
  71. Rook
  72. Jackdaw
  73. Carrion crow.
Pochard drake and Tufted duck

Great crested grebe

with a Perch for lunch


Great egret

female Goldeneye

Common gull


view from Hide Bay Hide


dozing drake Pochard

female Scaup

drake Scaup


female Goosander

drake Goosander

Grey heron

hybrid Teal x Baikal Teal

Little egret

Male Kingfisher

Grey wagtail

Black headed gull


Male kingfisher

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