
Tuesday 8 November 2022

Very Grey and Damp day in North Norfolk

 Setting off at 5.15 am for a Norfolk day on Monday 7th. Customary coffee in Wells and straight to Holkham beach before the light was any good so camera left in the car. The over wintering Shore Larks were distant, about 5 of them before a check on the sea. Rafts of scoter, including 3 Velvet Scoter. A quick check in the pines gave up Goldcrests and tit species before heading to Cley beach for another sea watch. Unbeknown to me, the best light of the day here but just distant gannets.

From here, a wander down the East Bank: wigeon, teal and a kingfisher but nothing out to sea apart from several Red throated divers. Checked for Snow bunting but none to be found.

Down the Iron Road to Salthouse beach in very grey light, all cars with headlights on. A mixed flock of Goldfinches, Twite and Linnets feeding upon the Horned poppy seeds and a pair of Stonechats near Gramborough Hill but no sign of the Lapland bunting that had been reported that day. The over wintering Long Billed Dowitcher commutes between the East Bank and a pool on the beach, but again, a no show today. A Meadow pipit posed for a photo near the car.

Headed west to Brancaster Harbour but just the expected waders so up to Choseley Barns. Overhead, 1000's of Pink footed Geese and south west from the layby, quartering the area around a yellow crane, a male Hen Harrier. Bird of the day. Huge flock of Starlings rose from the pig field before a whistlestop trip to Titchwell beach and hides in persistent drizzle. A Water Pipit and Rock pipit got on to the day list, as did Sanderling on the beach. A Red necked grebe on the sea, distant as the tide was way out. Two Pintails from the Parrinder Hide as well as a pair of Pochard and a few Ruff. A check in the alders in the car park gave up a large mixed flock of Siskins, Goldfinches and Lesser redpolls.

By now I felt like I could be out mothing it was so dark so off to Thornham Point where another Hen Harrier had been seen, but not whilst I was there. A Bar tailed Godwit probed the mud near the footbridge before I decided to call it a day and headed home. No traffic issues meant back indoors by 6.30pm. A good birding day but hugely frustrating from the photography point of view. Basically, anything that was mobile wasn't worth photographing as the shutter speed settings were so low and ISO were so high that cropping would make the photos very grainy, as seen below.

Species list.

  1. Red throated Diver
  2. Great Crested Grebe
  3. Red necked grebe
  4. Gannet
  5. Cormorant
  6. Little egret
  7. Great egret
  8. Grey heron
  9. Mute swan
  10. Pink-footed goose
  11. Greylag Goose
  12. Canada goose
  13. Brent goose
  14. Shelduck
  15. Egyptian goose
  16. Mallard
  17. Gadwall
  18. Pintail
  19. Shoveler
  20. Wigeon
  21. Teal
  22. Pochard
  23. Tufted duck
  24. Common scoter
  25. Velvet scoter
  26. Red kite
  27. Hen Harrier
  28. Marsh harrier
  29. Common buzzard
  30. Sparrowhawk
  31. Kestrel
  32. Pheasant
  33. Moorhen
  34. Coot
  35. Oystercatcher
  36. Avocet
  37. Golden plover
  38. Lapwing
  39. Sanderling
  40. Dunlin
  41. Redshank
  42. Black tailed godwit
  43. Bar tailed godwit
  44. Curlew
  45. Snipe
  46. Ruff
  47. Black headed gull
  48. Herring gull
  49. Common gull
  50. Lesser black backed gull
  51. Great black backed gull
  52. Razorbill
  53. Wood pigeon
  54. Collared dove
  55. Kingfisher
  56. Skylark
  57. Shorelark
  58. Water pipit
  59. Rock pipit
  60. Meadow pipit
  61. Pied wagtail
  62. Wren
  63. Robin
  64. Dunnock
  65. Stonechat
  66. Song Thrush
  67. Blackbird
  68. Cetti's warbler
  69. Chiffchaff
  70. Goldcrest
  71. Great tit
  72. Blue tit
  73. Coal tit
  74. Long tailed tit
  75. Bearded reedling (heard)
  76. Magpie
  77. Jay
  78. Jackdaw
  79. Carrion crow
  80. Rook
  81. Starling
  82. House sparrow
  83. Chaffinch
  84. Goldfinch
  85. Siskin
  86. Lesser redpoll
  87. Linnet
  88. Twite
  89. Reed bunting
Whistling Wigeon at Cley

Teal from the East Bank

Little Grebe on Don's Pool, Cley

Meadow Pipit, Salthouse

Stonechat, Gramborough Hill

Black tailed godwit, Brancaster Harbour

Shoveler, Titchwell

Greylags in ridiculously dark conditions

Incoming Greylags

Golden Plover, Titchwell

Dozing drake Wigeon

Feeding Black tailed godwit, Titchwell

Redshank from the beach path, Titchwell

Black tailed godwit

Curlew, Titchwell

Shoveler, Titchwell

Pink footed geese over Choseley

Little egret, Thornham

Muddy Bar tailed godwit, Thornham

Shoveler, Titchwell

Another Bar tailed godwit, Thornham


  1. Looks like a good bird list despite the light

  2. Looks like a great bird day despite the weather
