
Monday 28 March 2022

Guiding Day, North Norfolk 28.03.22

Black tailed godwit, Cley

Paul and Fiona made a most generous donation to Isabel Hospice and MindGarden, Sri Lanka at the Mayor's Charity Evening last October. The auction was for a day's birding in North Norfolk with me guiding and driving and covering costs. Paul kindly paid for lunch at The Kings Head, Blakeney which was not on the agenda.

We left Stortford at 5.30am, coffee in Wells Next The Sea and then headed to North Point Pools, just East of the town. Few early day listers here, very few photos as was too misty, so off to Kelling Heath. Here, Chiffchaff and Stonechat but no Dartford warblers or early Willow warblers so on to Kelling Quags and Water Meadows. A distant Black Redstart, more Stonechat and Reed bunting along with Egyptian goose and Little egrets. Plenty of Linnets.

We then headed to Cley for a much required coffee as the mist cleared and the temperature rose. On to the reserve and a Garganey from Daukes Hide as well as a close up Black tailed godwit along with a selection of wildfowl and regular waders before a wander down East Bank to the Richie Richardson Hide. Marsh Harrier, large flock of Golden plover, many redshank all recorded with a brief flight of Bearded reedling and a very quick glimpse of a Cetti's warbler. A quick check on the sea realised Common gull and Red throated diver.

We continued westwards, stopping for lunch in Blakeney where we recorded a Greenfinch on a TV aerial. A quick check at Brancaster Staithe where Turnstone got on to the day list before popping up to Choseley drying barns, but nothing noteworthy so off to Titchwell RSPB Reserve.

A Brambling by the Visitors' Centre before a wander all the way to the beach. Sanderling here whilst back on the Freshmarsh, Mediterranean Gulls, Avocets, godwits, Little ringed plover, Grey plover, Dunlin and Ringed plover were recorded. A flyby Hobby was a good sight as well.

In all, 82 species for the day, so none too tardy. 5 year listers for me and several lifers for Paul and Fiona.

Great day out, good company, wonderful scenery, pleasing weather and a plethora of birds. Perfect.


  1. Red throated diver
  2. Little grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Little egret
  5. Grey heron
  6. Spoonbill (year lister)
  7. Mute swan
  8. Greylag goose
  9. Canada goose
  10. Brent goose
  11. Shelduck
  12. Egyptian goose
  13. Mallard
  14. Gadwall
  15. Shoveler
  16. Wigeon
  17. Teal
  18. Garganey (year lister)
  19. Pochard
  20. Tufted duck
  21. Red kite
  22. Marsh harrier
  23. Common buzzard
  24. Kestrel
  25. Hobby (Year lister)
  26. Red legged partridge
  27. Grey partridge
  28. Pheasant
  29. Moorhen
  30. Coot
  31. Oystercatcher
  32. Avocet
  33. Little ringed plover (year lister)
  34. Ringed plover
  35. Grey plover
  36. Golden plover
  37. Lapwing
  38. Knot
  39. Sanderling
  40. Turnstone
  41. Dunlin
  42. Redshank
  43. Black tailed godwit
  44. Curlew
  45. Snipe
  46. Ruff
  47. Black headed gull
  48. Common gull
  49. Mediterranean gull
  50. Herring gull
  51. Lesser black backed gull
  52. Wood pigeon
  53. Stock dove
  54. Skylark
  55. Meadow pipit
  56. Pied wagtail
  57. Wren
  58. Dunnock
  59. Robin
  60. Stonechat
  61. Song thrush
  62. Blackbird
  63. Cetti's warbler
  64. Chiffchaff
  65. Goldcrest
  66. Great tit
  67. Blue tit
  68. Coal tit (heard)
  69. Bearded reedling
  70. Magpie
  71. Jackdaw
  72. Carrion crow
  73. Rook
  74. Starling
  75. House sparrow
  76. Chaffinch
  77. Brambling (year lister)
  78. Linnet
  79. Goldfinch
  80. Greenfinch
  81. Reed bunting
  82. Yellowhammer.
Hare in the mist, Kelling Water Meadows

Early morning Wren

Meadow pipit, Kelling Quags

Little egret, Kelling Water Meadows

Wren, Kelling Water Meadows

Avocet, Cley

Dozing drake Garganey, Cley

Distant Black tailed godwit coming into breeding plumage, Cley

Drake wigeon, Cley

Ruff, Arnold's Marsh, Cley

Garganey, Daukes Hide, Cley Reserve

Ruff, The Serpentine, Cley Reserve

Golden Plover, Arnold's Marsh, Cley

Brambling, Titchwell

Drake Teal, Titchwell Freshmarsh

Mediterranean Gulls, Titchwell Freshmarsh

Pochard drake with Gadwall, Titchwell

Curlew, Tidal Marsh, Titchwell

Oystercatcher, Tidal Marsh, Titchwell

Ministry of Meadow Pipit Silly Walks, Titchwell

Meadow pipit not wanting a photo opportunity, Titchwell

Redshank, Titchwell

Pied wagtail on the roof of the Parrinder Hide, Titchwell

Distant Golden plover, Titchwell Freshmarsh

Mediterranean gulls

Dunlin form the Parrinder Hide


  1. It was a great privilege to spend a day birdwatching with Jono. His expertise is amazing, not just in relation to bird life, but plants and insects / butterflies as well. My wife and I know north and west Norfolk fairly well but Jono introduced us to some great locations that we would never have found. Thank you Jono! Paul and Fiona Bennett

  2. Thank you, Paul and Fiona. A very good day in super conditions.
