
Wednesday 6 April 2022

Dungeness Day

 5am start and off to Dungeness with Rick Stead. Coffee at Maidstone and into the sea watch hide overlooking the channel by 7.30 in drizzle and poor light. Disappointingly, virtually nothing moving over the sea, 1 red throated diver along with 30+ Great crested grebes on the water and plenty of cormorants and gulls.

Off to The Observatory and a wander to the Long Pits produced very little apart from 2 Stonechats, form rubicola so a return to the beach where 3 Black redstart were messing about in the power station compound and a Peregrine over the huge building that put up the pigeons and gulls. Meadow pipit and Pied wagtails on the power station wall.

We then checked around the new lighthouse where a solitary male Wheatear was recorded, somewhat distantly and then another near Prospect Cottage before we parked for a wander to the ARC Pit and into the renovated Hansen Hide. Few day listers here including the first Marsh Harrier of the day and a singing Willow warbler before heading on to the RSPB Reserve. Near the entrance, a pair of Glossy ibis, distant Cattle egret and a pair of Garganey.

The Visitors' Centre was closed due to staff shortages so out on to the Reserve. Disappointingly, the first 3 hides have been replaced with viewing screens for some reason. Not ideal in poor weather. Very little from the Christmas Dell hide, but a Reed warbler was singing away just outside. Views from the Denge Marsh Hide, plenty of shoveler, more Marsh harriers and a selection of regular geese. A wander around to The Mound where both bittern and Bearded reedling were heard and more Marsh Harriers.

Back at the car, we headed into Lydd for sandwiches before a drive down towards Denge Marsh Gully but the road was being repaired and therefore closed. As we ate our late lunch an obliging Kestrel hovered nearby.

Several Cattle egrets in the sheep field as we returned for one final check on the sea. A few gannets on the horizon and a flock of 8+ Common scoter flew up channel before we set of for home. No hassle yet again getting through the Dartford tunnel meant I was back home by 7pm.

Super day, disappointing photos but a good day list and several year listers, so all's good.

Species list for the Day:

  1. Red throated diver
  2. Little grebe
  3. Great crested grebe
  4. Gannet (year lister)
  5. Cormorant
  6. Bittern (heard)
  7. Cattle egret
  8. Great white egret
  9. Little egret
  10. Grey heron
  11. Glossy ibis (year lister)
  12. Mute swan
  13. Greylag goose
  14. Canada goose
  15. Shelduck
  16. Mallard
  17. Gadwall
  18. Shoveler
  19. Wigeon
  20. Teal
  21. Garganey
  22. Pochard
  23. Tufted duck
  24. Common scoter
  25. Marsh harrier
  26. Common buzzard
  27. Sparrowhawk
  28. Kestrel
  29. Peregrine falcon
  30. Moorhen
  31. Coot
  32. Oystercatcher
  33. Ringed plover
  34. Lapwing
  35. Dunlin
  36. Redshank
  37. Curlew (heard)
  38. Black headed gull
  39. Common gull
  40. Herring gull
  41. Lesser black backed gull
  42. Great black backed gull
  43. Stock dove
  44. Wood pigeon
  45. Collared dove
  46. Green woodpecker (heard)
  47. Skylark
  48. Meadow pipit
  49. Pied wagtail
  50. Wren
  51. Dunnock
  52. Robin
  53. Black redstart
  54. Wheatear (year lister)
  55. Stonechat
  56. Blackbird
  57. Cetti's warbler
  58. Reed warbler (heard, year lister)
  59. Willow warbler (heard, year lister)
  60. Chiffchaff
  61. Great tit
  62. Blue tit
  63. Bearded reedling (heard)
  64. Magpie
  65. Jackdaw
  66. Rook
  67. Carrion crow
  68. Starling
  69. House sparrow
  70. Chaffinch
  71. Linnet
  72. Greenfinch
  73. Reed bunting.
I have a slightly complicated year list rule. If I hear a common species, eg Willow warbler, I add it to the year list as I will definitely be seeing one but uncommon birds heard, such as bittern, are not added until I actually see one. I don't see a bittern every year.
These additions take my year list to a reasonable 138 species for 2022.
Early morning Dunnock

Pied wagtail on the Power station wall

Female Black redstart in the power station compound

Another Meadow pipit

Distant male Black redstart

Ringed Pied wagtail

Male Linnet

Distant male Wheatear

Grey heron from the Hansen Hide

Pair of Teal

Oystercatchers at the ARC pit

Distant Glossy ibis near Boulderwall Farm

Glossy ibis

Glossy ibis wingspan

Drake Garganey

Common gull on the RSPB Reserve

Egyptian geese

Male Marsh harrier

Female Marsh harrier

Herring gull from the beach

Yet another Meadow pipit on the power station wall

1 comment:

  1. super day out Jono and after a slow start we saw some fab birds. I look forwards to the next trip.
