
Tuesday 22 March 2022

Morning at Cliffe Pools, Kent

 I was booked to give an RSPB presentation to the local group in Gravesend at 2pm so an early 7am start from home found me wandering around Cliffe Reserve by 8am. Great light and some wonderful views of common birds. Nothing out of the ordinary but it is March, so I didn't expect much.

Mediterranean Gulls along with a distant Greenshank and a Garden warbler were year listers, but just great to have a walk around the reserve. Cliffe has so much potential but very little investment by the RSPB means it remains potential rather than reality. It is a huge area to cover on foot and I suspect many irregular migrants pass through unnoticed.

Sadly, local vandalism means there are no hides whilst the funding that RSPB had planned for the reserve was taken up by the London Olympics in 2012 and the RSPB didn't receive the money it had anticipated, so I am informed.

Here are some photos from the day and a species list..

  1. Little grebe
  2. Great crested grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Little egret
  5. Grey heron
  6. Greylag Goose
  7. Canada goose
  8. Shelduck
  9. Egyptian goose
  10. Mallard
  11. Shoveler
  12. Wigeon
  13. Teal
  14. Tufted duck
  15. Common buzzard
  16. Moorhen
  17. Coot
  18. Oystercatcher
  19. Avocet
  20. Lapwing
  21. Redshank
  22. Greenshank
  23. Black headed gull
  24. Common gull
  25. Mediterranean gull
  26. Herring gull
  27. Lesser black backed gull
  28. Wood pigeon
  29. Stock dove
  30. Collared dove
  31. Rose ringed parakeet
  32. Green woodpecker
  33. Skylark
  34. Wren
  35. Dunnock
  36. Robin
  37. Song thrush
  38. Blackbird
  39. Garden warbler
  40. Cetti's warbler
  41. Chiffchaff
  42. Great tit
  43. Blue tit
  44. Long tailed tit
  45. Magpie
  46. Carrion Crow
  47. Jackdaw
  48. Starling
  49. House sparrow
  50. Chaffinch
  51. Goldfinch
  52. Greenfinch
  1. Peacock
  2. Brimstone
  3. Small tortoiseshell
  4. Comma

Song thrush


Comma butterfly

Little egret

Peacock butterfly

Brimstone butterfly

Great crested grebe in evening light

Small tortoiseshell

Mediterranean Gull showing a ring, eith 33FT or 33ET

Magpie at the end of the day

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