
Friday 30 April 2021

Amwell and Rye Meads visit

 Started at Amwell in good light. Not too much of note from the Viewing point so wandered off to check the path towards Hollycross Lake. On the shingle at the end of Tumbling Bay came across a Canada goose on a nest with a single gosling already hatched. Made to a few pleasant shots with reflections. Also, a Great crested grebe showed well for a few photos. Plenty of sedge warblers about but still no cuckoo for me although one was present earlier in the morning. A Little Ringed plover dropped down in front of the Viewing Point before I headed back to the car, encountering a fox in the field near the level crossing.

Off to Rye Meads: coffee and crisps and a flyover Hobby. Camera settings still set for the fox so all wrong. A female blackcap dropped into a nearby tree. Checked the pond dipping area for water vole: none present before I scanned the lake and in amongst the Black headed gulls, a solitary Mediterranean gull. A very distant shot below. Plenty of sedge and reed warblers calling but not showing too well. A male blackcap was more visible along the recently opened seasonal trail but note: all hides closed until 17th May at the earliest. Took the path to the new Kingfisher hide, very impressive hide it is, too, but was held up by a family party of Canada geese sauntering along the path just in front of me. I wasn't allowed to pass them!

Had a pleasant chat with several members of staff before heading home to process (for process, I mean delete) over 250 photos, a few that worked below.

Species list for the morning: A for Amwell, RM for Rye Meads. No abbreviation means both sites.

  1. Great crested Grebe (A)
  2. Cormorant
  3. Grey heron (A)
  4. Mute swan 
  5. Greylag geese
  6. Canada Goose 
  7. Mallard
  8. Gadwall
  9. Pochard (A)
  10. Tufted duck
  11. Red kite (RM)
  12. Common buzzard (RM)
  13. Hobby (RM)
  14. Pheasant (A)
  15. Moorhen
  16. Coot
  17. Little ringed plover (A)
  18. Black headed gull
  19. Mediterranean gull (RM)
  20. Herring gull
  21. Lesser black backed gull (A)
  22. Common tern
  23. Wood pigeon
  24. Collared dove (A)
  25. Swallow
  26. Pied wagtail (A)
  27. Wren (A)
  28. Dunnock (A)
  29. Robin
  30. Mistle thrush (A)
  31. Blackbird
  32. Blackcap
  33. Whitethroat (A)
  34. Sedge warbler
  35. Cetti's warbler
  36. Reed warbler
  37. Chiffchaff
  38. Great tit
  39. Blue tit
  40. Long tailed tit
  41. Magpie
  42. Jackdaw
  43. Carrion crow
  44. Starling
  45. House sparrow (RM)
  46. Chaffinch
  47. Goldfinch
  48. Linnet (A)
  49. Greenfinch (RM)
  50. Reed bunting
  51. Yellowhammer (heard A)
    Blackcap, male

    male Reed warbler

    Family portrait

    Tough route march when you just a day or two old!

    You shall not pass!

    very high, circling Common buzzard

    Common tern


    Sedge warbler

    Distant Mediterranean gull


    female blackcap

    Fox at Amwell

    Little ringed plover

    Sedge warbler

    Greylag goslings taking cover.

    Lesser black backed gull

    Yet another, distant sedge warbler

    drake pochard

    Grey squirrel

    Canada goose with pleasing reflection

    Series of Great crested grebe shots in good, reflective light.

    Canada goose with one gosling. More to hatch.

    Posing robin

    Vociferous wren

    Female BHG massaging male's neck to encourage regurgitation of food for her!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day you had, and lovely photographs of your sightings.
