
Monday 3 May 2021

Lackford Lakes and Stansted Airport Lagoons

 Yesterday, after leading a dawn chorus walk I popped over to the lagoons and Stansted Airport. Lesser whitethroat, heard and seen very briefly was a highlight along with 2 Shelduck, Common sandpiper, Grey wagtail and Little ringed plover.

Common sandpiper in good light

Common sandpiper

Same bird

Little ringed plover

Drake shelduck
Today, I had the morning free so off to Lackford Lakes near Bury St. Edmunds. Breezy and poor light conditions meant little was photographed and then, not very pleasing set. Few here. Cuckoo and Swift made the year list. 
Typically skulking wren

Swift, really need far better light.

Another swift

Black headed gull


Pair of great crested grebe and incoming BHG

Common tern

Common terns

Canada goose flyby

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