
Friday 9 April 2021

North Norfolk Visit

 Thursday 8th April found me leaving home early for a return to North Norfolk, my first visit to do some bird watching since December. This represents the longest gap between visits since 2015 when I was not well with Dengue Fever. I normally visit at least once a month, often more frequently. The plan was to start at Kelling and work my way west, finishing the day at Titchwell RSPB Reserve.

After coffee and sausage sandwich in Wells I headed to Kelling Quags. Usual birds here with no migrants in the shape of Wheatear nor waders. Plenty made the day list and several new for year birds. This wasn't going to be a problem being my first visit away from Little Hadham area for 2021.

From here, up to Kelling Heath where I came across Dartford warbler, a pair showing well on top of the gorse near the level crossing but no Willow warblers.

Gramborough Hill on Salthouse beach also failed to offer anything migratory, so off to the East Bank at Cley NWT Reserve. A peregrine flew over and several wader species from the Richie Richardson hide. The hides on the reserve were closed so I didn't venture into the reserve, instead, headed for Cley beach where a Grey phalarope was spinning on the Eye Pool. Still no Wheatears and a search for Yellow wagtails in the Eye Field was similarly unsuccessful. A brief sea watch just added gull species to the lengthening day list.

A quick check along Lady Anne's Drive before buying sandwiches in Blakeney and eating these at Warham Greens before heading further west to Burnham Overy Staithe by the sailing club. Very confiding turnstones here and Black tailed godwit made the list.

Choseley Drying barns added the inevitable Red legged partridge and a distant Marsh Harrier before I arrived at Titchwell reserve at 3.30pm. A new entry system here at present. Need to take your RSPB membership card with you to a "welcome hub" where your details are logged for track and trace. A one way system operates between the car park and the entrance. Coffee and I was off again. Plenty noted: Red crested pochard, Mediterranean gull, a few waders before arriving at the beach. Usual waders along the tide line with good numbers of Oystercatchers in particular. 

Back to check the gulls and anything else on the Fresh Marsh before a final and unsuccessful search for a Black redstart near the car park. I was back in the car by 6.15pm and home soon after 8pm.

Superb day and really great to be back in some of my favourite birding haunts.

Species list:

  1. Little grebe (Titchwell)
  2. Cormorant (Kelling Quags)
  3. Bittern (heard booming, Titchwell)
  4. Little egret (Kelling)
  5.  Great white egret (Holkham Freshmarsh)
  6. Spoonbill (Cley)

  7. Mute swan (Kelling Quags)
  8. Greylag goose (everywhere!)
  9. Canada goose (Salthouse duck pond)
  10.  Brent goose (Stiffkey Greens)
  11. Shelduck (Kelling Quags)
    Shelduck at Kelling

  12. Egyptian goose (Kelling Quags)
  13. Mallard (Kelling Quags)
  14. Gadwall (Cley)
  15. Shoveler (Kelling Quags)
  16. Wigeon (Holkham)
  17. Teal (Cley)
    female Teal

  18. Pochard (Cley)
  19. Red crested pochard (Titchwell)
    Red crested pochard

    drake Pochard

    pochard, duck

  20. Tufted duck (Titchwell)
  21. Red Kite (Holkham)
  22. Marsh harrier (Choseley)
    Marsh harrier, female

  23. Common buzzard (Kelling Heath)
  24. Kestrel (Kelling Heath)
    Kestrel, male

  25. Peregrine (Cley)
    Peregrine falcon, male

  26. Red legged partridge (Choseley)
    Red legged partridge

  27. Pheasant (everywhere)

  28. Moorhen (Kelling Quags)
  29.  Coot (Cley)
  30. Oystercatcher (Salthouse duck pond)

  31. Avocet (Kelling Quags)

  32. Ringed plover (Titchwell)
  33. Golden plover (Titchwell)
  34. Lapwing (Kelling Quags)
  35. Sanderling (Titchwell beach)

  36. Turnstone (Burnham Overy Staithe)

  37. Dunlin (Cley)

  38. Redshank (Cley)
  39. Black tailed godwit (Burnham Over staithe)
  40. Curlew (Kelling Quags)

  41. Grey phalarope (Cley)
    Grey phalarope

  42. Black headed gull (everywhere)
  43. Mediterranean gull (Titchwell)
  44. Herring gull (Salthouse duck pond)
  45. Lesser black backed gull (Cley)
  46. Wood pigeon
  47. Stock dove (Holkham)
  48.  Collared dove (Wells next the sea Co Op carpark)
  49. Great spotted woodpecker (heard, Stiffkey)
  50.  Skylark (Kelling quags)
  51.  Swallow (Cley)
  52. Meadow pipit (Cley)
  53. Pied wagtail (Cley)
  54. Wren (everywhere)
  55. Dunnock (Kelling Quags)
  56. Robin (everywhere)
  57. Wheatear (Titchwell beach)
  58. Song thrush (Snipe's Marsh)
  59. Blackbird (Holkham)
  60. Blackcap (Kelling Quags)
  61. Dartford warbler (Kelling Heath)
    Dartford warbler

  62. Chiffchaff (Kelling Quags)
  63.  Great tit
  64. Blue tit
  65. Coal tit (Titchwell)
  66. Long tailed tit (Holkham)
  67. Magpie
  68. Jackdaw
  69.  Carrion crow
  70. Rook
  71. Starling
  72. House sparrow (Cley)
  73. Chaffinch (Kelling Quags)
  74. Linnet (Kelling Quags)
  75. Goldfinch (Chseley)
  76.  Greenfinch (Choseley)
  77. Yellowhammer (Choseley)
    Titchwell Fresh Marsh

    Peacock butterfly

    Mediterranean Gulls

    Herring gull


    Fishing boat, Titchwell

    Black tailed godwit and teal

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