
Thursday 9 April 2020

Thursday activity: A really fun Activity to do outdoors on this sunny day.

Morning All,
Another late start with this after a photo session of moths, bugs and a spider discovered last night and early this morning. My garden list continues to grow daily.
Check out the blog post below entitled Self Isolation garden list. Trying to find at least 2 new species per day, at present many more than that so will soon be up to 100 insects, birds, mammals seen or heard from my garden.

Todays Activity:

Find an old pair of tights and chop of the feet about 6 inches up. Fill with any herb or grass seeds, or wild flowers mixed in with some compost to make a round ball. Then decorate with any craft materials you may have: felt pieces, pipe cleaners, googly eyes etc to turn it into a spider or an insect.
Then fill a saucer of water and leave the creature sitting in the water (not submerged) and leave on a warm window sill. Soon, your creature will start grow hair! Well worth a go and remember, if you don't have all the correct resources, save the link for another day. Keep the water level checked as it will be absorbed and will evaporate.
Photos of these most appreciated. I will be writing my next newspaper article over the weekend so please, please do get some photos to me for inclusion. All the staff at the Bishop's Stortford Independent are really striving to make the paper very community based in these unpleasant times and photos of children doing garden and nature activities would be extremely welcome so do try to get some.
Forward to jforgham"at" Hotmail. comObviously not the word at nor the spaces.
Few new species to the garden yesterday.
I heard 2 ring necked parakeets flying over as I was working in the office (shed!) and also came across a few minibeasts.
Lesser water boatman

Pisaura miribalis spider

Scorched carpet macro moth
Hope to hear from you all. Have another wonderful garden day.

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