
Monday 23 March 2015

Signs of Spring 23.03.15

Leaving town at Tescos after a start up coffee, I headed back along lanes and footpaths to home. A chiffchaff called near East Wood (TL462215) whilst a second was heard and photographed at Bluebell Wood (TL 438219)
shy chiffchaff
 Great spotted woodpeckers were heard and seen as flyovers but not anything else of real note. Good numbers of skylarks, singing high over hay fields, 1 green woodpecker, 2 common buzzards. A check of Muggins Wood (TL442220,  a private wood which I have permission to enter) gave brief views of nuthatch, long tailed, great and blue tit whilst a tree creeper was heard only.
In all, 5 male yellowhammers were heard and seen, mostly along the hedgrow near to East Wood and the footpath leading from here to Cradle End. Always a good breeding bird to see in East Herts.
Plant wise, much to see, with common ground ivy, common dog violet, a single cowslip, dog mercury, marsh marigold and lesser celandine all being noted in flower. Jack in the hedge and lords and ladies were both found by the profusion of leaves, but yet to flower.
Goat willow was in full flower near East Wood, too.
After last night's heavy frost, it was no surprise when I failed to encounter any insects at all.
ground ivy

dog mercury

flowers of goat willow

male yellowhammer

another yellowhammer

lesser celandine

Jack in the Hedge leaves. Larval foodplant of the orange tip butterfly, so don't pick too much to make a really good pesto

common dog violet

another shade of common dog violet


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