
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust Reserves at Thorley Wash and Amwell: 16.03.15

Double time today, with a morning session around Thorley Wash. A set of 3 treecreepers was a highlight in Wallbury swamp and on or adjacent to the reserve, whilst a calling reed bunting on teasels at the south end of the reserve was good to see and hear. Overhead, the resident male kestrel and numerous wood pigeons and a few stock doves.
Other birds of note were 2 great spotted woodpeckers, several wrens and a pair of bullfinches by the railway footbridge to the west of the reserve.
A grey heron was also observed, flying south but nothing of note on the scrape/pond area in the north west corner. Looks excellent for snipe, but these are masters of hiding, so may be present, just remain unseen.
At the weir near Spellbrook Locks, my first grey wagtail of the year and first spring calling chiffchaff of 2015. A pied wagtail called from nearby television aerials.
grey heron in grey light

record shot of a year lister: grey wagtail

pied wagtail
After popping home, I headed south, to Amwell some 8 miles away. A visit to the viewing point gave views of many gulls, mostly common and black headed, 4 goldeneye, tufted duck, gadwall, shoveler, teal and a pair of snipe. Further across Great Hardmead Lake several little egrets could be seen and a few male pochard. 3 common buzzards and a red kite overhead, but, all in all, rather quiet.
A few coots were being territorial and involved in showing off but a trip into the James Hide just gave more views of long tailed tits, reed buntings and a cetti's warbler calling. Brief glimpses of the bird were made, but too fast for a photo.
Altogether, a rather grey day so disappointing photos, but still good to be able to visit 2 reserves in one day.
coots can walk on water!

tufted duck


common gulls

pair of teal....................

....................joined by a drake shoveler

pheasant portrait

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