
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Local buzzards

Yesterday, I managed to pop out to check on the sallows around Hadham Hall as this is a good area for early migrants. Just 2 chiffchaffs calling from the goat and grey willows that border the irrigation lagoon on local farmland near New Spring Wood.
Nothing else of note and no birds on the water. The crow scaring gas gun is still in an adjacent field, firing every half hour for over 3 weeks now, so no wonder little is to be seen. I have yet to make contact with the resident barn owl pair that have been at this site for 6 years. Hope they, too,have not been forced to move away!
Upon driving down the road from Hadham Hall, I checked a local dead tree where common buzzards regularly roost. A pair were to be seen, albeit somewhat distantly. Judging by size, the male at the top and the larger female further down on the right.
Lesser celandine were new for the year, flowering near the pools and old moat around the Tudor Hall. Also, flowering on the bank of the lagoon, coltsfoot, a typical late March plant.
suspected male buzzard

suspected female buzzard

common buzzard pair


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