
Wednesday 2 April 2014

Splendid wander in superb weather 02.04.14

A walk back from the town this morning was absolutely brilliant, with the hottest day of the year meaning I was way overdressed and plenty of singing birds and the best spring flowers for years.
5 blackcaps were heard and seen, but their skulking nature meant no worthwhile photos. 9 chiffchaffs were also heard along with wrens, robins, song thrushes, blackbirds, chaffinches and tits all in good voice.
A flyover cormorant was a good parish record, as was a goldcrest collecting nest building material in Millfield Lane. By the cricket ground a party of 3 bullfinches were notes as well as a drumming great spotted woodpecker and 2 calling green woodpeckers.
Flowers were everywhere, with lesser celandine, dog violet, white dead nettle and red dead nettle being predominant. However, new for the year list were coltsfoot, field for get me not and red campion. However, an often overlooked plant, green alkanet was found in Hoecroft Lane, a new species for the parish.

red and white dead nettles


brilliant blossom on blackthorn

green alkanet

red campion

lesser celandine


Ford Hill verge showing primrose and dog violet

long tailed tit.

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