
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Fleeting visit to Lynford Arboretum 01.04.14

A 5 a.m. start for a quick jaunt to Lynford for the hawfinches, crossers and firecrests that are present. My 7th trip to see the 2 barred crossbills and, after the hour and a bit we had there, I still have not seen them! Hawfinches were not evident either between 6.45 and 8 a.m., by which time Gary and I had to return home for work.
However, firecrests at the car park showed well enough for some early morning photographs. Amongst the endless photos of branches and conifer foliage, I actually managed to get a few that showed the bird, but little more than record shots. I hope to return soon, later in the morning, to get improve on these cropped and enhanced lit shots. Firecrest, a lifer for Gary, so well worth the early start.
Back in East Herts. before 9.30, so a good morning's session. Maybe our next early morning trip will be to Weeting Heath and a flying visit to Lakenheath, both just an hour away and always a great start to the day.
Other birds noted: siskin, nuthatch, treecreeper, blue, long tailed, great and coal tit, chaffinch, common crossbills (heard) corvids, canada geese, wood pigeons, blackbird, song thrush, goldcrests, and robin so a good beginning to what will prove to be a long day after a night mothing.
acrobatic siskin



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