
Friday 7 March 2014

Owl watch

I set out just before sunset to see if the barn owl that roosts not far from home was still present. In 2012 they bred successfully, but it's mate was killed on the road in the winter of that year. Since then, it has remained alone.
As I approached behind hay bales I saw it at the nest hole and managed a couple of record shots.
It then heard/saw me and disappeared in the hole. I took up a place not too close and waited for the sun to set and dusk to take over and encourage it to begin hunting. As I waited, 2 little owls appeared in a nearby oak; their usual roost, but the first time I have seen them this year.
Also, an Agonopterix heracliana micro moth joined me, roosting on the metal axle of the farm trailer I was hiding behind.
Eventually, the owl appeared from the hole, peering at me, before flying off. Managed this one shot as it took flight. The views of it in front of me were just too good to spoil with a camera shot.
All in all, a wonderful half hour before the short wander home.
sun set as I set out
Earlier in the day, I had my first double species in the moth trap. A hebrew character and a clouded drab were the only 2 moths tempted by the MV trap, but hopefully, moths will now begin to increase in both number and species. These were species number 4 and 5 for the year, with the Ag heracliana being my first micro of the year.
Finally, of note, a brimstone outside the house at midday was another first for the year. All in all, a good day
hebrew character (left) and clouded drab

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