
Thursday 6 March 2014

Long Wander 06.03.14

Having dropped the car off for a service, I then walked the mile to Tescos for an early morning coffee before heading off round Bury Green, Millennium Wood and Ford Hill. Not too much about, but marsh marigolds flowering in the pond we tidied up last autumn. Good to see, along with resident mallard and moorhen. All new additions since the tidy, so a worthwhile exercise. Usual finches singing and an Easterly movement of redwing and fieldfare.
3 common buzzards soared over the golf course and a hovering kestrel in Ford Hill. Not too many sightings of kestrel at present.
 On an afternoon continuation of the walk I headed uphill to Westland Green, spotting the kestrel again. A check for little owls in their usual roost was unsuccessful as was a check in Valley Fields for the regular nuthatch. Basically, more of the same apart from a flock of mixed gulls near the golf course, about 70 in all, with 2 lesser black backed, 14 commons and the rest black headed in various stages of moult into breeding plumage.


Marsh Marigolds


long tailed tit with nest building material
beefsteak fungus

common and black headed gulls

Spring is coming:  hazel buds

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