
Saturday 8 March 2014

More owl watching

Again, as last night, I set off to see of I could improve on last night's photos of the local owls. The barn owl was at it's regular roost and watching the sun set.
As it frequently does, it drops down into the tree hole for half an hour before taking flight. This individual normally appears slowly, taking a good look around before flying to another oak where it roosts for another half hour before commencing hunting. Tonight, was no exception and clearly knew I was around as it immediately looked towards where I was upon appearing from the hole.
I am trying to not use flash photography, so the shutter speed is slow, hence the lack of quality in this photo.
However, as I waited the local little owls showed well. A pair that have spent 3 springs in another local oak. Always good to see and tonight, the barn owl stopped off in their tree. It was sent packing after a brief fight and some screeching from the little owl.
Also tonight, grey partridge were calling from the adjacent wheat fields and a song thrush was in fine voice, as well as this confiding jackdaw.

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