
Thursday 10 February 2022

Memorable day trip to Abberton Reservoir near Colchester.

 Set off to Abberton this morning with a view to visit the reservoir, the hides and then check for wildfowl from the casueway that crosses the water where you can park easily and scan the huge area. Good birds, including smew, white fronted geese, solitary pink footed goose and 7 goosanders.

I parked on the Layer Bretton Causeway and immediately heard a single note, high pitched call. An otter! After 15 minutes of waiting I noted some of the bullrushes moving and out popped a young, 1st year otter. My first for England. After a few minutes it disappeared back into the vegetation but reappeared briefly some 20 minutes later. Managed to fire off these record shots.

Plenty of birds seen whilst I was present, too. Species list:

  1. Great crested grebe
  2. Cormorant
  3. Cattle egret
  4. Great white egret
  5. Grey heron
  6. Mute swan
  7. White fronted goose
  8. Pink footed goose
  9. Greylag goose
  10. Canada goose
  11. Barnacle goose
  12. Egyptian goose
  13. Mallard
  14. Gadwall
  15. Shoveler
  16. Wigeon
  17. Teal
  18. Pochard
  19. Tufted duck
  20. Goldeneye
  21. Goosander
  22. Kestrel
  23. Common buzzard
  24. Pheasant
  25. Moorhen
  26. Coot
  27. Golden plover
  28. Lapwing
  29. Black tailed godwit
  30. Snipe
  31. Ruff
  32. Black headed gull
  33. Common gull
  34. Herring gull
  35. Great black backed gull
  36. Lesser black backed gull
  37. Wood pigeon
  38. Collared dove
  39. Great spotted woodpecker
  40. Skylark
  41. Meadow pipit
  42. Pied wagtail
  43. Wren
  44. Robin
  45. Dunnock
  46. Redwing
  47. Blackbird
  48. Great tit
  49. Blue tit
  50. Long tailed tit
  51. Magpie
  52. Jackdaw
  53. Carrion crow
  54. Rook
  55. Starling
  56. House sparrow
  57. Chaffinch
  58. Goldfinch
  59. Greenfinch
Many of the birds were distant so these are crops.
Black tailed godwit

Black tailed godwit

Distant drake Goosander



Great black backed and Black headed gulls

Cattle egret


drake Teal

Duck Teal

Common gull

Huge number of Tufted duck


Barnacle geese

White fronted geese

Great crested grebe

2 Canada geese, 7 White fronts, 1 Pink foot goose and 2 Barnacle geese

White fronted geese

Grey heron

Drake Goosander

Female Chaffinch

Pied wagtail

4 Barnacle geese, 1 White front

Very distant Great white egret

Black headed gull

Male chaffinch

Mute swan


Drake Goldeneye

Male Chaffinch with fungal infection of the legs

Egyptian goose

Another Grey heron, there were plenty.

Ruff and incoming Lapwing

Black tailed godwit

Final otter shot

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