
Monday 31 January 2022

Norfolk Day: 31.01.22


Wren at dusk, Titchwell car park


Bar tailed godwit into the high tide roost

White fronted geese, Holkham Freshmarsh

Off to a very breezy North Norfolk this morning. 

Checked Wells Harbour as I thought some seabirds may have taken shelter there from the high winds and rough North Sea, but here, that was not the case. 

Moved on to Cley beach for a sea watch but it was impossible to keep the telescope still in the high winds. So strong my tripod was blown over and it was difficult to stand still, never mind walk directly into the wind, so I moved on to the East Bank where usual fare was found: redshank, dunlin, wildfowl, cormorants but very little was flying apart from geese sp, a Marsh harrier and gulls.

Back to the car and I thought somewhere sheltered would be better, so parked outside Holkham Hall for a long walk searching for the White tailed eagle that roosts here but not to be seen. Big numbers of wildfowl on the large lake along with plenty more geese overhead. A Barnacle goose was consorting with a pair of Egyptian geese.

Back to the car, a quick check down Lady Anne's drive where there was a flock of White fronted geese in with greylags and pinkfoots before lunch at Brancaster Staithe where the birds were sheltering on the leeward side of a mud bank. Still tricky to get photos as the wind battered the camera before I concluded with a 3-4 hours stay at Titchwell. Here, the highlight was a pair of Red breasted mergansers on the Tidal Pool, sheltering from the turbulent sea. It was high tide so the waders were all sheltering on the far side of the Tidal pool where, as I returned from the beach, a party of 4 Pintail dropped in.

Took loads of photos as the camera was getting such a buffeting from the wind, I need up to 10 of each subject in the hope one would be relatively sharp. Not many made the grade.

Species list. NFY= New for year

  1. Red throated diver NFY
  2. Great crested grebe
  3. Little grebe
  4. Cormorant
  5. Grey heron
  6. Little egret
  7. Great white egret
  8. Mute swan
  9. Greylag goose
  10. Pink footed goose NFY
  11. White fronted goose NFY
  12. Brent goose
  13. Barnacle goose NFY
  14. Canada goose
  15. Shelduck
  16. Eyptian goose NFY
  17. Mallard
  18. Gadwall
  19. Wigeon
  20. Teal
  21. Pintail
  22. Shoveler
  23. Pochard
  24. Tufted duck
  25. Common scoter NFY
  26. Red breasted merganser NFY
  27. Red kite 
  28. Common buzzard
  29. Marsh harrier
  30. Kestrel
  31. Red legged partridge
  32. Pheasant
  33. Moorhen
  34. Coot
  35. Oystercatcher
  36. Avocet
  37. Ringed plover NFY
  38. Golden plover
  39. Grey plover NFY
  40. Turnstone
  41. Lapwing
  42. Dunlin NFY
  43. Knot NFY
  44. Sanderling NFY
  45. Redshank
  46. Curlew
  47. Black tailed godwit
  48. Bar tailed godwit NFY
  49. Black headed gull
  50. Herring gull
  51. Common gull
  52. Lesser BB gull
  53. Great BB gull
  54. Kittiwake
  55. Wood pigeon
  56. Collared dove
  57. Barn Owl x 2 NFY
  58. Green woodpecker
  59. Great spotted woodpecker
  60. Skylark
  61. Meadow pipit
  62. Pied wagtail
  63. Robin
  64. Blackbird
  65. Mistle trhush
  66. Redwing
  67. Long tailed tit
  68. Great tit
  69. Coal tit
  70. Blue tit
  71. Wren
  72. Chaffinch
  73. Goldfinch
  74. Linnet
  75. House sparrow
  76. Starling
  77. Magpie
  78. Jay
  79. Jackdaw
  80. Rook
  81. Carrion crow.
Windswept Egyptian geese, Holkham Hall

Coot: Holkham Lake

Grey Heron, Holkham Lake

Pink footed geese

Fallow buck


Fallow hind

Looks like she is about to sneeze.

Fallow hind

Barnacle goose, Holkham

Drake teal sheltering from the gale.

Brent geese into Titchwell

Herring gull

More Brent geese


Grey plover

distant Ringed plover

Red breasted mergansers

Drake red breasted merganser

Sanderling, Titchwell beach

1 comment:

  1. The wind was awful but you got some great shots Jono,
