
Wednesday 22 September 2021

Long Day in North Norfolk 21.09.21

 Setting off at 5am, arrived in Wells Next The Sea for a coffee at 7.15. Slow journey due to fog in places. After the coffee I headed to North Point Pools where it was apparent is was going to be a bright day. Great for photos but meant that I was unlikely to come across any rarer migrants that may have been pushed inland off the North Sea due to the very calm conditions.

Usual fare at NPP, a ruff flew in, several snipe and herds of greylag and Pink footed geese. I checked the dense hawthorn but just a few chiffchaffs. A reed warbler scratched a call, unseen before I headed back to the car. The sun was still low so viewing to the east was not good whereas looking west was superbly lit. However, far to the east, a Spoonbill was noted.


3 of 100's of greylag geese

Upbeat and noisy Black headed gull

Still noisy on the downbeat

I now headed to Cley beach where I first checked the sea. A sandwich tern went by with a food item, 3 Guillemots dived relatively close in and a Red throated diver headed west. From here, I wandered east along the shingle. I checked the wire fence and posts for the inevitable Wheatear, at least 3. Also, a solitary Whinchat and plenty of Meadow pipits. Back at the sea, I noted another 2 Guillemot close in and a Common seal popped up to check me out.

Typical Wheatear pose

Another distant Wheatear


Guillemot, showing small wings that are used as flippers underwater.

Gone again

Back up

Common seal, youngster, I suspect

Common seal.

Back to the car and parked at Snipe's Marsh to check Walsey Hills before a wander along the East Bank. Not too much around, finches at Walsey Hills and plenty of butterflies and Colletes hederae (Ivy bee) on flowering ivy. Plenty of Black tailed godwit around the Serpentine but the sun meant views over Arnold's Marsh were silhouettes and heat hazed. I headed back to the car and off to Gramborough Hill.

Here, a large flock of Goldfinch along with more Meadow pipits, Wheatears and very territorial Pied wagtails. I sea watched from the top of Gramborough Hill. A very distant Great Skua headed into the sun towards Sheringham whilst an Arctic skua chased a Sandwich tern, too fast for the camera.

Red admiral



Juvenile Little grebe

Battling with a shellfish

Pied wagtail on Salthouse beach

Meadow pipit, Salthouse beach

Time to head west, so off to Brancaster Staithe for a check on the mud as by now the tide was out. Black tailed godwits, Turnstones and a Little egret all present, plus a selection of gulls. Chatted to a photographer, Sheila who was busy getting great images of a confiding Turnstone. By now the temperatures were approaching 20C and the sun was at its highest, a little too sharp for photos but all was enjoyable.

Adult Turnstone

Herring gull

Black tailed godwit

Common gull

Turnstone, another adult showing the last few summer plumage feathers

Little egret

Off to the final destination: Titchwell RSPB Reserve. If you have not been here for a while, plenty of changes with diggers putting in new channels in the reedbeds and plenty of new islands upon the Freshmarsh. This area was full of birds: 100's Golden plover, Lapwing, Ruff, several Dunlin and Avocets. In one corner of the Freshmarsh near the path to the Parrinder Hide, Meadow pipits, Pied wagtails and a flock of linnets sat on the mud whilst a skulking Reed warbler was noted in the reeds.

From the Parrinder hide more of the same along with Ruff and Teal. A Little stint busied itself in the newly turned mud, distant and tiny.

Off to the beach. A Grey plover on the Tidal Marsh before a trek out to the mussel beds which are uncovered at very low tides. These were covered in waders and gulls but nothing on the sea apart from a small raft of Common scoter. A wonderful place to be and by now the light was just beginning to fade as the sun began to set over towards Holme. Another check from the hides to see if the Stint had moved closer, it hadn't, before I finished the day with a few photos showing pleasing reflections in the calm conditions and low sun.

Back to the car and home by 9.30 after a coffee stop on the way. Super day out. I shall be returning on Saturday with a birding friend. I would like the weather to be a little more damp and stormy on Friday but presently, that does not look likely, so more of the same species, I suspect.

Incoming Golden plover

Another ruff

Moulting drake Teal



Juvenile Herring gull at the beach

Group of Knot


Curlew on Thornham Marsh

Spot the Little stint, about the size of a greylag's webbed foot!

Meadow pipit

Reed warbler

Yet another ruff.

Species List for the day

  1. Red throated diver
  2. Little grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Little egret
  5. Grey heron
  6. Great egret
  7. Spoonbill
  8. Mute swan
  9. Pink footed goose
  10. Greylag goose
  11. Canada goose
  12. Brent goose
  13. Shelduck
  14. Egyptian goose
  15. Mallard
  16. Gadwall
  17. Shoveler
  18. Wigeon
  19. Teal
  20. Tufted duck
  21. Common scoter
  22. Red Kite
  23. Marsh Harrier
  24. Common buzzard
  25. Kestrel
  26. Peregrine falcon
  27. Pheasant
  28. Moorhen
  29. Coot
  30. Oystercatcher
  31. Avocet
  32. Grey plover
  33. Golden plover
  34. Lapwing
  35. Knot
  36. Sanderling
  37. Turnstone
  38. Dunlin
  39. Little stint
  40. Redshank
  41. Black tailed godwit
  42. Bar tailed godwit
  43. Curlew
  44. Snipe
  45. Ruff
  46. Great skua
  47. Arctic skua
  48. Black headed gull
  49. Common gull
  50. Herring gull
  51. Lesser black backed gull
  52. Greater black backed gull
  53. Kittiwake
  54. Sandwich tern
  55. Guillemot
  56. Wood pigeon
  57. Collared dove
  58. Green woodpecker
  59. Great spotted woodpecker (heard)
  60. Skylark
  61. Swallow
  62. Meadow pipit
  63. Pied wagtail
  64. Wren
  65. Robin
  66. Wheatear
  67. Whinchat
  68. Blackbird
  69. Cettis warbler (heard)
  70. Reed warbler
  71. Willow warbler
  72. Chiffchaff
  73. Great tit
  74. Blue tit
  75. Coal tit (heard)
  76. Long tailed tit
  77. Bearded reedling (heard)
  78. Magpie
  79. Jackdaw
  80. Rook
  81. Carrion crow
  82. Starling
  83. House sparrow
  84. Chaffinch
  85. Greenfinch
  86. Goldfinch
  87. Linnet
  88. Reed bunting

Black tailed godwit with a single Lapwing


Final ruff.

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