
Friday 3 September 2021

Busy Times in North Norfolk

 Arising at 5am and picking up Rick at 5.30 in Stortford we arrived for the obligatory coffee in Wells Next The Sea at 7.30am and then headed off to North Point Pools just east of the town.

Chat with a local birder. Few waders were present and a flyover Spoonbill was a good start to the day. Light was a major issue for photos and remained poor throughout the day. Forever changing shutter speed and/or ISO settings. Many photos didn't make it and after downloading 300+, I ended up with 40 that were OK. 

Dunlin: North Point Pools

Spoonbill over North Point Pools

Off to Walsey Hills and Snipe's Marsh. A Spotted flycatcher here and although a Pied Flycatcher had been seen, we didn't connect with it. Coal tit and Marsh tit here, along with Little grebe and plenty of Greenfinches. Chatted with Steve before he went off to volunteer at the Visitors' Centre. Very helpfully, he gave us a list of what had been reported locally that morning.

juvenile Little Grebe: Snipe's Marsh

Cormorant: Snipe's Marsh

We then headed east to Kelling Heath where we saw next to nothing, a few chiffchaffs called but little else so down for a wander along to Kelling Water Meadows and The Quags. A juvenile kittiwake here that I tried to turn into a Sabine's gull but no stonechats or whinchats present. A quick check on the sea from the shingle ridge proved we were right not to spend time at Cley Beach doing a sea watch. Very little movement so wandered back to the car, checking the water meadows again where 2 Black tailed godwit came in. 3 Common buzzards overhead.

Chaffinch, Kelling Water Meadows track

Reed bunting: Kelling Water Meadows track

Black tailed godwit coming into Kelling Water Meadows.

Black tailed godwit: Kelling Water Meadows

Red Admiral: Kelling track

The lack of migrants in bushes or on the ground meant we gave Gramborough Hill at Salthouse a miss and headed for a coffee at Cley Visitors' Centre. Very good Bakewell Tart, too!

Parked and wandered along the East Bank to Arnold's Marsh. Snipe, dunlin, a ruff, avocets and loads of curlew and Sandwich terns present but no Bearded reedlings. 

Snipe: The Serpentine from East Bank

Back to the car and off west. Bought lunch in Blakeney, parked at Stiffkey Greens by the campsite, enjoyed the sandwiches and then took the footpath west to the Gibbert roundabout. Very little here. A warbler scratched and clicked but remained unseen. Suspect Lesser whitethroat, but one of several possibles for the day. Little egrets on the marsh at Warham Greens before returning to the car.

We headed west, stopping to check Brancaster harbour but a high tide meant no mud, therefore no waders and arrived at Titchwell around 3.30pm. Once past the rather brusque meet and greet chaps who asked if we were members and then demanded to see our membership cards. I enjoyed another coffee and yet another bakewell. Sugar and caffeine being the order of the day.

Plenty of birds from the island hide before a trek all the way to the beach. Here, waders in their 1000's and we spent the next couple of hours photographing these. Great fun and plenty of decent shots of the everyday waders that frequent this brilliant beach. We had a few minutes of sun before heading back. Over Thornham Marsh I got a very brief (2 seconds) distant glimpse of a very large grey bird that I immediately thought Common crane. Showed dark and light grey on the wing. Not seen again as it went down behind a large reedbed, but in reality, couldn't have been anything else really.

Curlew: Titchwell

Teal: Titchwell

Avocet feeding from the Island Hide, Titchwell

Juvenile Turnstone out of its depth: Titchwell

Redshank: Titchwell

Pintail; Titchwell

Pint of Wherry at the Gin Trap Inn at Ringstead and home by 9.45pm Brilliant day.

Species List:

  1. Little grebe
  2. Great crested grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Little egret
  5. Great egret
  6. Spoonbill (North Point Pools)
  7. Mute swan
  8. Greylag goose
  9. Canada goose
  10. Shelduck
  11. Mallard
  12. Gadwall
  13. Pintail (Titchwell)
  14. Shoveller
  15. Wigeon
  16. Teal
  17. Tufted duck
  18. Marsh harrier
  19. Common buzzard
  20. Kestrel
  21. Red legged partridge
  22. Pheasant
  23. Moorhen
  24. Coot
  25. Common crane (probable) (Thornham Marsh)
  26. Oystercatcher
  27. Avocet
  28. Ringed plover
  29. Grey plover
  30. Lapwing
  31. Knot
  32. Sanderling
  33. Turnstone
  34. Dunlin
  35. Curlew sandpiper (Titchwell)
  36. Green sandpiper (North Point Pools)
  37. Redshank
  38. Spotted redshank
  39. Greenshank (Arnold's Marsh)
  40. Black tailed godwit
  41. Bar tailed godwit
  42. Curlew
  43. Snipe
  44. Ruff
  45. Black headed gull
  46. Common gull
  47. Herring gull
  48. Lesser black backed gull
  49. Great black backed gull
  50. Kittiwake (Kelling Quags)
  51. Sandwich tern
  52. Common tern
  53. Wood pigeon
  54. Sand martin
  55. House martin
  56. Swallow
  57. Meadow pipit
  58. Pied wagtail
  59. Wren
  60. Robin
  61. Garden warbler (Heard)
  62. Lesser whitethroat (probable)
  63. Whitethroat
  64. Blackcap
  65. Sedge warbler
  66. Reed warbler (heard)
  67. Cetti's warbler (heard)
  68. Chiffchaff (heard)
  69. Spotted flycatcher (Walsey Hills)
  70. Great tit
  71. Blue tit
  72. Marsh tit (heard)
  73. Coal tit (heard)
  74. Magpie
  75. Jackdaw
  76. Carrion crow
  77. Starling
  78. Chaffinch
  79. Linnet
  80. Goldfinch
  81. Greenfinch
  82. Reed bunting
Footnote. Many Pied flycatchers were reported from all over North Norfolk. we just kept missing them! 11 were reported from Holkham Pines which we didn't visit. Photos below all from Titchwell beach. 

Juvenile/1st year Turnstone


Probing Sanderling

Sanderling has its eye on something


Smart plumaged Knot

Sanderling with moule.....

.....but no mariniere!

Knot flyby

Adult Herring gull

2nd winter Herring gull

More Knot

Westbound Oystercatcher

 Turnstone, adult with just a few flecks of orange breeding plumage feathers remaining.

Adult turnstone moulting from breeding plumage


Looking west

Bar tailed godwit

Looking North East.

1 comment:

  1. Some great shots hee Jono. Not a bad bird count after such a slow start. A great day thx.
