
Friday 8 January 2021

Bird List: 2021 Updated 04.09.21

 Worth keeping a list of this year's bird species. Last year I was at least 60 species off my average for the year, which was understandable. Just a few visits to Norfolk and 1 to Dungeness, all the rest were Little Hadham and Stortford based birds. Total reached 154sp. See if I can improve on this in 2021 when hopefully, a Spring trip to Norfolk may be feasible in late April/early May.

Edit: As well as plenty of birding within a 5 mile radius of home, have now had a couple of visits to Amwell, 1 to Rye Meads, a few to Stansted Airport Lagoons and 1 to Lackford Lakes by 3rd May 2021.

Edit: Now 2 Norfolk trips: April and May. Also, mid May a quick tour of Lakenheath RSPB Reserve and Weeting Heath

Edit: spent three days in Norfolk, camping at Stiffkey in mid June and then a day trip 1st July.

Edit: Visits to Norfolk in late August and early September added a few new species including a UK lifer, Pacific Golden Plover.

Updated 04.09.21. Total: 146 species

  1. Little grebe (River Stort)
  2. Grey Heron (Little Hadham)
  3. Mandarin (Westland Green)
  4. Mallard (over garden)
  5. Red kite (over garden)
  6. Common buzzard (Little Hadham)
  7.  Kestrel (over garden)
  8.  Grey partridge (Westland Green)
  9. Red legged partridge (Wellpond Green)
  10. Pheasant (Westland Green)
  11.  Moorhen (Little Hadham)
  12.  Black headed gull (over garden)
  13.  Herring gull (over garden)
  14.  Common gull (Westland Green)
  15.  Wood pigeon (garden)
  16.  Collared dove (garden)
  17.  Little owl (Little Hadham)
  18.  Green woodpecker (Over garden)
  19.  Great spotted woodpecker (Takeley)
  20.  Skylark (Takeley)
  21. Pied wagtail (garden)
Grey wagtail

22. Grey wagtail (Little Hadham)
23. Robin (garden)
24. Blackbird (garden)
25. Fieldfare (Little Hadham)
26. Redwing (Garden)
27. Mistle thrush (Little Hadham)
28. Long tailed tit (Little Hadham)
29. Coal tit (garden)
30. Blue tit (garden)
31. Great tit (garden)
32. Nuthatch (Little Hadham)
33. Yellowhammer (Little Hadham)
34. Chaffinch (garden)
35. Goldfinch (garden)
36. Bullfinch (Little Hadham)
37. Linnet (Little Hadham)
38. House sparrow (Little Hadham)
39. Starling (garden)
40. Jay (Little Hadham)
41. Magpie (garden)
42. Reed bunting (Little Hadham)

Common buzzard
43. Raven (Millennium Wood)
44. Rook (over garden)
45. Carrion crow (over garden)
46  Jackdaw (garden)
47. Dunnock (garden)
48. Wren (garden)
49. Coot (Exnalls)
50. Greenfinch (Clinton's)
51. Song thrush (Bush Wood)
52. Sparrowhawk (Grange Paddocks)
53. Goldcrest (Thremhall Park)
54. Tree creeper (Thremhall Park)

55.  Cormorant (Little Hadham)
56. Tawny owl (heard, Little Hadham)
57. Kingfisher (Bishop's Stortford)
58. Siskins (Bishop's Stortford)
59. Barn owl (Little Hadham)
60. Snipe (Little Hadham)
61. Canada goose (Little Hadham)
62. Lapwings (Little Hadham)
Kingfisher along the River Stort


63. Little egret (Bishop's Stortford) 
64. Lesser Black backed gull (Harlow)
65. Stonechat (Ash Valley Golf Course)
66. Cetti's warbler (Thorley Wash)
67. Blackcap (garden)
68. Great crested grebe (Amwell)
69. Tufted duck (Amwell)
70. Teal (Amwell)
Little egret at Grange Paddocks, Bishop's Stortford
71. Shoveler (Amwell)
72 Great white egret (Amwell)
73. Chiffchaff (Amwell)
74. Water rail (heard at Amwell)
75. Meadow pipit (Green Tye)
76. Greylag goose (Trimms Green fishing lake)
77. Gadwall (Stansted airport lagoons)
78. Willow warbler (River Stort)
79. Stock dove (Hadham Hall)
Stonechat, male on Ash Valley GC
80. Little ringed plover (Stansted airport lagoons)
81. Swallow (Stansted airport lagoons)
82. Sand martin (Stansted airport lagoons)
83. Golden plover (Stansted airport lagoons)
Cormorant over Thorley Wash

Sparrowhawk, at Thorley

Great white egret at Amwell

Little Ringed plover at Stansted Airport Lagoons
84. Bittern (heard, Titchwell)
85. Spoonbill (Cley)
86. Brent goose (Stiffkey)
87. Shelduck (Kelling)
88. Egyptian goose (Holkham)
89. Wigeon (Holkham)
90. Red crested pochard (Titchwell)
91. Pochard (Cley)
92. Marsh harrier (Choseley)
93. Peregrine (Cley)
94. Oystercatcher (Salthouse)
95. Avocet (Kelling)
96. Ringed plover (Titchwell)
97. Sanderling (Titchwell)
98. Turnstone (Burnham Overy Staithe)
99. Dunlin (Cley)
100. Redshank (Cley)
101. Black tailed godwit (Burnham Overy Staithe)
102 Curlew (Kelling)
103 Grey phalarope (Cley)
104. Mediterranean gull (Titchwell)
105. Wheatear (Titchwell)
106. Dartford warbler (Kelling Heath)
Dartford warbler

107. Whitethroat (Brent Pelham)
108. Garden warbler (Brent Pelham)
109. Grasshopper warbler (Thorley Wash)
110. Lesser whitethroat (Thorley Wash)
111. Sedge warbler (Thorley Wash)
112. Common tern (Southern Country Park)
113. Yellow wagtail (Moor Hall Barns)
114. Green sandpiper (Stansted Airport Lagoons)
115. Common sandpiper (Stansted Airport Lagoons)
116. Reed warbler (Rye Meads)
117. Hobby (Rye Meads)
118. Swift (Lackford Lakes)
119. Cuckoo (heard, Lackford Lakes and then seen at Lakenheath)
120.  Little tern (Titchwell)
121. Sandwich tern (Cley beach)
122. Whimbrel (Holme dunes)
Green sandpiper.

Common sandpiper.

Swift at Lackford Lakes.

Whimbrel at Holme Dunes.
123. Stone curlew (Weeting Heath)
124. Woodlark (Weeting Heath)
Cuckoo at Lakenheath
125. Roller (Icklingham)
126. Little gull (Cley)
127. Ruff (Titchwell)
128. Spotted redshank (Titchwell)
129. Bar tailed godwit (Cley)
130. Arctic skua (Cley)
Roller at Icklingham. My 2nd UK sighting

Arctic skua west at Cley beach

Little gull, also west along Cley beach
131: Common crane (Thornham Marsh)
132. Pintail (Titchwell)
133. Pacific golden plover (North Point Pools)
134 Grey plover (Cley)
135. Curlew sandpiper (Titchwell)
136. Ruddy shelduck (Amwell)
137. Spotted flycatcher (Walsey Hills)
138. Fulmar (Cley)
139 Gannet (Sheringham)
140.  Greenshank (Cley)
141. Knot (Titchwell)
142. Kittiwake (Kelling)

Stonechat at Kelling

Turtle dove at Holme

143. Turtle dove (Holme)
144. Whinchat (Kelling)
145. Marsh tit (Walsey Hills)

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