
Saturday 26 December 2020

Answers to the quiz



Here we have the definitive answers to the Festive Bird Quiz.

  1. Yellowhammer
  2.  Wryneck
  3.  Wood pigeon
  4.  Whooper swan
  5. Waxwing
  6.  Turnstone
  7.  Tufted duck
  8. Tree creeper
  9.  Stonechat
  10.  Sparrowhawk
  11.  Snow bunting
  12.  Smew
  13.  Short eared owl
  14.  Shelduck
  15.  Ruff
  16.  Rose ringed parakeet
  17.  Robin
  18.  Red legged partridge
  19.  Reed Bunting
  20.  Redshank
  21.  Red kite
  22.  Mute swan
  23.  Moorhen
  24.  Meadow pipit
  25.  Magpie
  26.  Long tailed tit
  27.  Little egret
  28.  Linnet
  29.  Lapwing
  30.  Kestrel
  31. Jay
  32.  Great spotted woodpecker (juvenile)
  33.  Grey wagtail
  34.  Goldfinch
  35.  Goldcrest
  36.  Greylag goose
  37.  Great crested grebe
  38.   Firecrest
  39.  Curlew
  40.  Coot
  41.  Common tern and Black headed gull
  42.  Chiffchaff
  43.   Chaffinch
  44.  Canada Goose
  45.  Bullfinch
  46.  Bluethroat
  47.  Black tailed godwit
  48.  Barn Owl
  49.  Avocet
  50.  Shoveler
  51. White stork
  52.  Blackbird
  53.  Dunnock
  54.  Blackcap
  55.  House sparrow
  56. Bee eater
  57.  Hoopoe
  58. Nightingale
  59.  Black redstart
  60.  Chough.


  1. Thanks for the quiz Jonno, I got 40/60 without resorting to bird books etc

  2. That's not a bad score at all.
