
Monday 30 March 2020

Round up of week 1

Morning All,
As we finished the first week  I thought a quick round up of everything that was reported to me, with great photos.
Birds seen were numerous with loads of garden species observed: Great tit, Blue tit, Long tailed tit, Dunnock, Red kite, Blackbird, Robin, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Common buzzard, Starling, Rook, Carrion crow, Jackdaw, Magpie, Jay, Pied wagtail, Yellowhammer, Song thrush, Mistle thrush, Goldcrest and Mallards. A good list.
Butterflies reported were Brimstone, Peacock, Comma and Small tortoiseshell. Soon the Orange tip will be flying. Look out for the male, a white butterfly with bright orange on the corners of his wings.

Other insects included bee flies, bumble bees, mining bees, bluebottles and a couple of hoverflies. A few spiders, too. Of particular note was the Jumping zebra spider.
Several species of wild flower were also reported: Lesser celandine, green alkanet, primrose, wood anemone, and the first bluebells.
On the mammal front: badgers, foxes, muntjacs and from my garden, plenty of rabbits on the far side of the Ash Valley

All in all, a good start. You may remember I suggested filling a yogurt pot or similar with left over vegetable peelings and damp cardboard. This to be left on a flowerbed, patio or lawn. Set this up and we'll come back to it at the end of the week.

I'll be adding today's challenge soon. An indoor painting one with full instructions. It is a good one with guaranteed results.

Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to look and report things as well as take photos and send them in. I appreciate it.

Buff tailed bumblebee

Comma butterfly, showing the white "comma" marking.

peacock butterfly

Common toad
Badger noted by trail camera in Gerry's garden

Giant cranefly. Photo all the way from Cornwall. Thank you, Mandy and Glenn.

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