
Monday 5 March 2018

Rainham Marsh Visit

reed bunting
Set off this morning for Rainham Marsh RSPB Reserve, my first visit here this year. Having negotiated the M11 and the M25 I arrived just as the reserve and visitors' centre was opening at 9.30. Off on a clockwise wander around the reserve, a walk of around 3 miles.
I was surprised to see ice upon the open water as the temperature was rising as the day progressed. Coots and mallards walked across this as a large flock of wigeon and lapwings rose from the fields. Into the Purfleet Hide, but little of note, a distant pintail pair so I moved on. Outside, a male stonechat in brambles and the familiar pinging call as a solitary bearded reedling flew over, heading towards the targets and down into the reeds.
greylag geese


Meadow pipit

same meadow pipit


The Marshland hide didn't give up too much either so I continued. On the Target Pools plenty of shoveler, teal, more pintail and numerous wigeon. Several curlews called, as did a pair of redshanks. Into the main hide where the water and marsh in front gave up more views of the same. Several casualties of the extreme weather: A coot in one of the drains near the Marshland hide and what looked like a canada goose in the middle of the reserve. Gulls, mainly black headed and common were on the list as I headed towards the Ken Barrett hide, where just a few wildfowl were seen. A water rail squealed from reeds as I approached the Cordite where great, blue and long tailed tits were seen. A great spotted woodpecker drummed as a green woodpecker called. A male linnet sang from a bramble before I found myself back at the centre. In total, not too much seen but a wonderful walk, with the bearded reedling being a year lister.
Looking north east from the Shooting butts hide. Mainly wigeon

drake wigeon

More wigeon

male linnet

drake teal from Ken Barrett hide

Species list:

  1. mute swan
  2. greylag goose
  3. canada goose
  4. shelduck
  5. mallard
  6. pintail
  7. shoveler
  8. wigeon
  9. teal
  10. tufted duck
  11. pheasant
  12. water rail (heard)
  13. moorhen
  14. coot
  15. lapwing
  16. dunlin
  17. redshank
  18. curlew
  19. black headed gull
  20. common gull
  21. herring gull
  22. lesser black backed gull
  23. wood pigeon
  24. collared dove
  25. green woodpecker
  26. great spotted woodpecker
  27. skylark
  28. meadow pipit
  29. wren
  30. dunnock
  31. robin
  32. stonechat
  33. redwing
  34. fieldfare
  35. blackbird
  36. cetti's warbler
  37. great tit
  38. blue tit
  39. long tailed tit
  40. bearded reedling
  41. magpie
  42. jackdaw
  43. carrion crow
  44. starling
  45. house sparrow
  46. chaffinch
  47. linnet
  48. goldfinch
  49. reed bunting
Pair of shoveler

Distant drake pintail

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