
Thursday 22 February 2018

Bramfield Cemetery

A few spare hours today, so off to Bramfield village near Hertford where hawfinches had been observed in the churchyard.Upon arrival there were 2 chaps in situ with cameras, firing away and, as I walked towards them, noted 6 hawfinches in a distant ash tree. They flew off before I got a photo.They continued to fly around and each time either landed in the ash, on the far side of it so no good for photos, or disappeared into the depths of a yew tree.
I passed the time noting all the birds in the churchyard and getting a few photos of greenfinch and one of the 4 nuthatches which all seemed to be prospecting for nest sites. One pair seemed interested in a tree hole whilst the other pair visited a newly placed nest box on several occasions.Goldcrests flitted around the conifers whilst great, blue, coal and long tailed tits flew around. A common buzzard overhead and also blackbirds, song thrush, chaffinch, female bullfinch were observed before I was just about to head off. At that point a splendid male hawfinch landed right at the top of a tree and gave the opportunity for a few pleasing shots of this rather elusive and shy bird.



another nuthatch

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