
Monday 25 September 2017

Norfolk Visit

After an abortive mission to do some birdwatching in North Norfolk in early September, due to a clutch failure on the car near Mildenhall, I tried again on 13th Sept. This time, I arrived without issue and headed off to CleySpy to buy a new tripod for my scope. Got a great deal on a second hand, carbon fibre Manfrotto. From here, off to Cley to see if any migrants had been recorded. The only bird of note was a Pectoral sandpiper, seen somewhat distantly on The Serpentine from the East Bank.
A tour of the reserve gave views of regular birds, but nothing scarce, so off to check Gramborough Hill near Salthouse Beach. Again usual stuff and, now, in constant drizzle under grey skies, I left my camera gear in the car, as I did when later visiting Kelling Water Meadows.
Following this, a coffee at Cley HQ before a drive east to Titchwell, stopping briefly at Holkham and Burnham Overy.
Titchwell was in superb light when I arrived, so off to the island hide where waders, predominantly ruff were on show. Other waders, apart from black tailed godwits were hard to come by whilst duck were mainly teal.
A trip to the Parrinder Hide as the skies darkened, meaning, a.) photography was not good and b.) I was going to get wet.
Not only was the sky now heavy, the light was beginning to fail, so I made my way back to the car and home, with a long and tedious diversion around Newmarket due to road closures. All in all, a good day to birdwatch even if not too much was noted. Almost all photos here, from the good light period at Titchwell. In total, 73 species noted and just the pectoral sandpiper being an addition to the year list.
Cley and a teal

Shelduck at Cley

Colourful moorhen from the Island Hide, Titchwell

Ruff too busy feeding to notice me at Titchwell

Another juvenile ruff judging by the long tertial feathers

Black tailed godwit at Titchwell


Another black tailed godwit. Just remants of the orange breeding plumage still visible.

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