
Monday 25 September 2017

Kefalonia visit 17th - 24th Sept

We were looking forward to our week on this wonderful island, one we visited previously in 2013 and in the small hours we set off from home for our 8a.m. flight from Stansted. All was great and by 2.30pm we were at our room in a lovely hotel a mile or so up the hill from Skala village. Wonderful views over the Ionian Sea to the Greek mainland and south to the island of Zakynthos.
I spent a little time each day wandering around to find the nature. As I had discovered on our previous trip, not many birds here, so it was good to get the list started with: Sardinian warbler (common,) Jay (ubiquitous,) blackbird and collared dove. On the beach I added yellow legged gull and that remained my list for the first two days.
Whilst sitting enjoying the view from the hotel pool I noted 4 Alpine swift overhead and these, on migration, were noted daily afterwards, usually in the later part of the day. On one occasion their number was in excess of 200, all south bound. In amongst these were crag martins.
On a visit to Poros, firstly by bus and subsequently on a quad bike we hired, I noted cormorant and a white breasted kingfisher.
Back at the hotel  great and blue tits got on to the list as did two Olivaceous warblers and overhead, a small movement of migrating black kites.
As we wandered down the lane there was frequently a kestrel resting on telephone wires and our walk was often to the sound of calling buzzards.
In all 23 species were seen.
Butterflies were mainly Lang's Short tailed blues, scarce swallowtails, a meadow brown variety and several clouded yellows. Green Ionian lizards were fairly regular as were circadas and several grasshopper species.
Red veined darters were the most common dragonfly along with an unidentified species which was bright yellow and larger than the darter complex.
Looking east towards mainland Greece

meadow brown type butterfly

fast flying Alpine swift

Not sure on this darter species, showing all black legs.

A probable red veined darter, showing yellow stripes on the legs.
Leader of the local herd

another Alpine swift

Strange geology near Poros

tough terrain to bird watch. Jays and sardinian warblers were common here.

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