
Thursday 31 December 2015

Last Wander of the year

Set off for a brisk walk around Hadham Hall, hoping for a few bird photos. Gusty wind meant there was very little (nothing!) to see and even less to photograph on the bird front. In total: common buzzard, wood pigeon, carrion crow, barn owl and goldfinches were the sum total of a mile walk east of the hall.
At the irrigation lagoon, however, where the barn owls were resting deep in their tree hole, was a spectacular fox, coming down to to the water to drink. Initially, not aware of my presence behind some willows, so I managed a few photos, but the camera clicks attracted his attention. He wandered off, unhurried. In doing so, sent the barn owls into the upper storey of their hole; a roost they have both been using for 5 years now. Good to see both are still present and hope they have another successful breeding year coming up. 2014: 2 fledged youngsters, 2015, 1 very late youngster last seen wing stretching at the nest site and not noted since, so suspect this left fully feathered.
Tonight, a final hour with head torch and net in local woods to see if I can net anything other than winter moths!
Just wandering along by the lake

heard something!

Enjoying the bright light, time for a drink

Just checking me out.

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