
Tuesday 29 December 2015

Final mothing of the year

Due to the unseasonably warm weather, I sparked up the trap again but not too much coming to the light in the garden. Walks at dusk have proved much more fruitful, with 32 winter moths taken in Millennium Wood on the 27th and my first garden record of the same moth on the same night. 4 were found, all roosting on the perspex or the adjacent fence. A wander around Chapel Lane later on that night showed that few moths fly after about 7.30pm at this time of year as I didn't encounter a single moth.
Today, another 10 winter mots were netted in Millennium Wood and, being earlier, 13 were also taken in Chapel Lane. This brings the total moths trapped in 2015 to a reasonable 6277. The plan is to run 2 traps in 2016, the Skinner remaining in the garden whilst a heath type trap will prove portable and will be taken out most evenings for a few hours at dusk.
Winter moth, taken in the garden 27.12.15

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