
Tuesday 27 October 2015

North Norfolk without a camera

Set off for a day in North Norfolk and no sooner than I had got on to the M11 I realised that, although I had put camera in the boot, I had forgotten to put in the battery in which was recharging in the lounge!! Consequently, I  expected rarities to be popping up and posing just feet away from me. Fortunately, this was not the case although wrens, robins, stonechats and 2 jays posed for what may have been pleasing shots.
I arrived at Wells Woods soon after 7 but, apart from goldcrests and a male blackcap, not too much of interest, so on to Holkham Pines, where a firecrest was noted along with the regular fare found along the path to the Washington Hide. From here, Burnham Overy Staithe track but, as it has been for me on almost every trip this autumn, virtually birdless, save for a selection of geese in the field.
Off to Warham Greens and a walk west to the gibbert roundabout. A black brant in with 100's of brents on the marsh and a ring ouzel, briefly on the concrete path at the old gun emplacement roundabout. Plenty of wrens, robins, finches about and a large flock of 25+ mistle thrushes over, heading inland.
From here, off to Cley for a coffee but nothing too exciting on the reserve so time for a sea watch, where a constant stream of gannets east, mainly 1st year birds as well as a few red throated divers and a great crested grebe. Later in the day, a little auk was noted from here, but i either missed it or not present. Shame as photos show it came quite close to the shore.
Following the sea watch I headed for a lovely walk around Kelling Heath, hoping I may come across a great grey shrike, but no to be. More tits, finches, a yellowhammer and woodpeckers before I headed off to Sheringham for another sea watch and some late lunch. Nothing new out to sea so tracked back Stiffkey Fen and then on to Lady Anne's Drive to watch the spectacle of the geese arriving through the sunset around 4.15.
Splendid day rounded off by popping in to see Gary and Sophie at Egmere before heading home in heavy traffic.

Species List:
red throated diver, little grebe, great crested grebe, gannet, cormorant, little egret, grey heron, mute swan, pink footed goose, greylag goose, canada goose, brent goose, black brant, shelduck, egyptian goose, mallard, gadwall, shoveler, pintail, shoveler, wigeon, teal, pochard, tufted duck, red kite, marsh harrier, common buzzard, kestrel, red legged partridge, pheasant, moorhen, coot, oystercatcher, ringed plover, golden plover, lapwing, dunlin, redshank, black headed gull, common gull, herring gull, lesser black backed gull, wood pigeon, collared dove, barn owl, short eared owl, green woodpecker, great spotted woodpecker, skylark, meadow pipit, pied wagtail, wren, dunnock, robin, stonechat, mistle thrush, blackbird, ring ouzel, blackcap, goldcrest, firecrest, great tit, blue tit, long tailed tit, treecreeper, nuthatch, magpie, jay, rook, jackdaw, carrion crow, starling, house sparrow, chaffinch, goldfinch, bullfinch, linnet, reed bunting.

Black brant, short eared owl and ring ouzel year listers. Up to 196 sp. Photos here from previous trips.

Not the greatest list of the year, but with my infected leg, courtesy of a Dengue Fever relapse, unable to walk too far and very quickly ran out of energy, necessitating a sleep whilst in the car at Kelling Heath!! Hopefully, energy levels will continue to improve so that I can make the most of a trip to Dungeness later this week.

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