
Wednesday 21 October 2015

Countdown to 210: It's all over!!

A visit with Graeme and Steve to local Millennium Wood this evening, with 2 light traps and our head torches and nets. Arrived and set up by 6.30 and immediately catching good moths. First 2 netted were yellow line quaker and brick, both new for year species: 207th and 208th. Plenty of satellites, green brindled crescents and a couple of angle shades before a dark chestnut rested on the ground next to the trap: 209th macro species for the year. Upon emptying the traps around 8.30pm a pale November moth (male) claspers checked equalled my macro record of 210 species in a year and the last egg box provided the record breaker, an expected Mottled umber (211th species) In amongst all this were micros in the forms of singles of Acleris variegana, Acleris emargana and Epinotia nisella.
A super and successful trapping session, in all, just over 2 hours worth in good temperatures and cloudy conditions. 36 moths of 15 species, superb for mid October.
A week on Sunday (1st Nov) there is a day time survey on leaf mining micros, so hopefully will add 20+ species to the parish list from this survey. Certainly looking forward to a good few hours.
At home, after 2 blank trap mornings, a Hoffmannophila pseudospretella was roosting on the back door when I went down the garden to turn the Skinner trap on. Could be a good night at home, too.
Addition: disappointing at the garden Skinner trap this morning, with just setaceous hebrew character and Acleris sparsana added to the list, taking me to 5755 moths for the year. However, Ac sparsana is a new for year micro, 182nd of the year
mottled umber

yellow line quaker


dark chestnut

Acleris variegana

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