
Thursday 10 September 2015

Town to Home wander

Having had a quick coffee, I set off home along footpaths to Bury Green, Green Street and down the hill into Little Hadham. Undoubted highlight was first hearing and then watching 2 hobbies, a juvenile and adult, I suspect. These roosted on pylons near Stocking Wood, Bury Green and were right at the top, hence poor quality photos. To begin with all I could see was the tops of 2 heads, but after 15 minutes they moved, one flying off to secure identification. Eventually they were both in the air, chasing each other and being most vociferous.
Other birds of prey were common buzzard, 2 kestrel and a sparrow hawk. Green woodpeckers (2) bullfinch, long tailed tits and at least 6 chiffchaffs made the day list along with regular sightings like great and blue tits.
Heavily cropped record shot of juvenile hobby (hobby 1)

Uncropped to show distance. Not something that could be improved!

Hobby 1

Being watched! (hobby 2)

Hobby 1

Hobby 2

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