
Monday 14 September 2015

Millennium Wood mothing

A hastily planned meet at Millennium Wood, Bury Green on Saturday evening with Graeme and Steve. Graeme had made up a litre of sugaring solution which was daubed on tree trunks, giving a Victorian flavour to the evening as well as running some black lights and sheets and head torches and nets. As anticipated, more was found roosting than was attracted to lights, with red green carpet being my 187th macro for the year within the parish, whilst Epinota nisella, Paraswammerdamia albicpaitlla and Acleris emargana were new for parish micro records. Not too much else of note, with, as expected, square spot rustic topping the list with 15 specimens.
A closed wing speckled wood was good to observe, not often you get a view of the underwing. These take the annual totals to 187 macros and 177 micros, total: 364 species for 2015. Still a long way to go to get 400 moths species in the parish in a single year.
red green carpet

angle shades

latticed heath

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