
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Little moth news to report

Yesterday afternoon, a quick half hour sweep through Millennium Wood. Worthwhile in that I caught 2 Nemophora degeerella, a new moth for me, along with plenty of Anthophila fabricana, the nettle tap moth.
1 of 2 Nemophora degeerella

Placed on garden fern for photo
This micro moth has no known foodplant, but both these were taken on guilder rose, so worth returning to check for larvae in the next few weeks.
Skinner 125MV trapped just a handful last night. 2 poplar hawkmoths, treble lines, heart and dart and Eurrhypara hortulata, the small magpie moth. I managed to remove the hawks from the egg boxes by encouraging them on to a pencil and then placed them in a garden shrub. They were most cooperative for the photo.

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