
Sunday 17 May 2015

Amwell visit: 17.05.15

Midday visit to Amwell HMWT Reserve where I wanted to check out the dragonfly trail. Very little in flight here even on a sunny day. Azure and common blue damselflies were all that were registered here, with a four spotted chaser seen further along the path.
Other insects included the hoverfly Eupeodes corollae, holly blue, small white and orange tip butterflies and the click beetle, Athous haemorrhoilalis.
Bird wise, a hobby over the distant trees, a cuckoo calling and plenty of common terns. A pair of redshank, several shoveler and lapwing, plus a few male pochards. in the trees a good selection of warblers: sedge, cetti's, blackcap, garden and whitethroat were all heard and seen; the cetti's far too briefly for a much awaited photo. A most elusive and secretive bird.
coot at the dragonfly trail

Eupeodes corollae

azure damselfly

Athous haemorrhoidalis

small white

dipping black headed gull

canada goose goslings

redshank from the viewing point

common tern

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