
Sunday 7 December 2014

Gloriously bright day in Norfolk

A plan was hatched on Friday night in the Prince of Wales that Gary would pick me up in Little Hadham at 6.30 for a Norfolk day. Gary was heading up to his new house near Holkham to drop off tiles for the builder so, for the first time in 38 years or so, I was a passenger for the trip to North Norfolk.
At his house the tiles were dropped off. We had been discussing potential garden list and I pointed out that red kite roosted at nearby New Holkham. As we pulled on to the drive a superb red kite flew over, low and giving great views. A pied wagtail on the wires, too.
We headed for nearby Lady Anne's Drive and a walk to Holkham Gap. Plenty of geese and wigeon in the fields whilst long tailed, coal, blue and great tits in the conifers associating with mobile goldcrests. 4 red legged partridge on the beach and plenty of redshank. Viewing the sea we saw only a raft of scoter, containing at least 2 velvets and a flyby red throated diver west. Back on the beach, skylarks and a party of linnets contained some twite. Gary got better views that previously when we saw them at Thornham. Back to the car, the sky was cloudless, light was excellent and the breeze freezing.
Holkham pink foots


Just a few of the 100's of wigeon present

Distant Holkham Freshmarsh marsh harrier.
Then, off to Titchwell where we were aware of good reports of sea watching. A coffee and beef roll and we were on the trail. Waders were in good numbers around the parrinder hide and my first (only) year lister of the day, a water pipit on one of the few pieces of land still dry. The water levels were indeed high. On to the beach, the tide was out exposing the rocks and petrified tree roots beyond the pill box remains. Waders everywhere: black tailed godwit, sanderling, turnstone, redshank, curlew, knot, dunlin whilst out to sea, a single black throated diver, showing heavy bill and the diagnostic white patch at water level.
Redshank from the beach footpath

Black headed gull and oystercatcher, Titchwell beach

Gary checking the sea and feeling the cold having 36 hours previously, been in  Hong Kong

redshank and oystercatcher


turnstone and dunlin


dunlin with lunch, a razor clam

black tailed godwit

black headed gull and reflection.
Back on the reserve we tried for water pipit photos, but too far away. An avocet remained on the freshmarsh as the pipit called and flew in front of the Parrinder Hide. Hundreds of teal, lapwing, golden plover, brent geese plus shoveler, a drake pintail and more  wigeon.
We then thought a quick end of day trip to Holme where we might get lucky with an owl or two. More tits and crests in the conifers and a day tick little grebe, but no owls hunting whilst we were there over Thornham looking east towards Titchwell.
A super day, thanks for driving, Gary.
Gary's reports from his trip to Hong Kong and Thailand can be viewed here Well worth a visit, excellent photos and report from Mai Po Reserve, Hong Kong.

Distant water pipit
Species list:
red throated diver, black throated diver, little grebe, cormorant, little egret, grey heron, mute swan, pink footed goose, greylag goose, canada goose,(10 sp) brent goose, shelduck, mallard, gadwall, pintail, shoveler, wigeon, teal, pochard, tufted duck (20 sp) common scoter, velvet scoter, red kite, marsh harrier, common buzzard, kestrel, red legged partridge, pheasant, moorhen, coot (30 sp) , oystercatcher, avocet, golden plover, lapwing, knot, sanderling, turnstone, dunlin, redshank, black tailed godwit,(40 sp) bar tailed godwit, curlew, ruff, black headed gull, common gull, herring gull, lesser black backed gull, great black backed gull, wood pigeon, collared dove, (50 sp)kingfisher (heard) skylark, water pipit, meadow pipit, pied wagtail, wren, dunnock, robin, stonechat, song thrush (60 sp) fieldfare, blackbird, great tit, coal tit, blue tit, long tailed tit, magpie, jackdaw, rook, carrion crow, (70 sp)starling, house sparrow, chaffinch, linnet, twite, goldfinch, greenfinch,bullfinch, reed bunting. Total 79 species: 1 year lister takes me to 217 for a none twitching 2014 list. Should pass 220 with trips to Kent on Friday and then Suffolk (perhaps) on Saturday.

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