
Friday 5 December 2014

Amwell visit

 An early morning wander to check on the recent gull influx at Millfield Lane, Bury Green where recently up to 100 mixed gulls have been congregating on the polo fields. Today, I took my scope after news of med, caspian and yellow legged gulls at Amwell but after a quick walk to the site: nothing, just 5 fly over lesser black backed, so off to Amwell.
En route I stopped in Cappell Street to see if the little owl was showing. Indeed it was, so a few snaps in, yet again, poor light. A most confiding owl which, as the photos show, kept its eye on me wherever I went. I tried to read the ring on its left leg, but this was not possible whilst I was there.

Following a very late breakfast at The Village Cafe, always excellent and served by the wonderous Tracii, I headed off to Amwell. Cold and grey and nothing from the viewing point to warm me up. Off to the James Hide where a solitary marsh tit put in a very brief appearance and a reed bunting was keeping busy in amongst the trees. A kingfisher shot over but very little else. As I headed back to the viewing point a couple of siskins called from the alders. On the drive home, I chanced upon a low red kite just before Wareside, but by the time I had found somewhere to park and then walked back it was too far over the fields for a worthwhile shot. However, pleased with the little owl photos, so a worthwhile trip. Hopefully, we shall have a sunnier day soon when the camera can operate at better speeds for a hand held set up.
great crested grebe with gadwall from the viewing point

reed bunting

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