
Thursday 30 October 2014

Updated Year List

As we approach the business end of year listing, with no specific target in mind, I thought a quick update to include latest additions. Still quite a few winter birds to get, particularly geese and a few migrants, so not finished listing yet. This is my none twitching total and made up almost entirely from only a few venues: Little Hadham home patch, North Norfolk, Kent and a weekend at Portland Bird Obs and also a none birding weekend in the Lake District.

200: grey phalarope
201: snow bunting
202: whimbrel
203: surf scoter
204: merlin
205: rough legged buzzard
206: black brant
207: slavonian grebe
208: black necked grebe (omitted from 22nd August, juvenile at Amwell)

Target birds still to add should I come across them on future trips:
red necked grebe, cattle egret, whooper swan, bewick's swan, white fronted goose, bean goose, red breasted goose, barnacle goose, scaup, goosander, pectoral sandpiper, woodcock, glaucous gull, razorbill, long eared owl, water pipit, waxwing, black redstart, ring ouzel, shore lark, pallas's warbler, great grey shrike, lapland bunting. Now that would be an impressive one day list! 6 of these are definites, whilst a few others would be fairly easy to find.
Those in bold have since been observed.

Archive photo: silhouetted goldcrest in Little Hadham December 2009.

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