
Thursday 30 October 2014

Moths over the last few days

An evening session (8.00 - 9.30pm) on Tuesday netting in Millennium Wood. A wonderfully warm evening gave up 14 moths: 2 November moths, 1 pale November moth (a new one for me) 6 feathered thorn, a dark chestnut, a brick, satellite and 2 green brindled crescents, 1 being of the form capucina.
The pale November moth was dissected to identify and it seems there is a thriving colony within this 14 year old wood. The trick is to trap underneath birch, where they will be found.
On Wednesday morning a quick check on the garden trap before setting off for a Norfolk day gave up 6 species, including a new for the year mottled umber. Also, a yellow line quaker, red-green carpet, 2 feathered thorn and a November moth. Also, an extremely worn individual, that, with a hand lens, shows a cross band as found on spruce carpet.
This morning, even though not cold or windy there was nothing.
mottled umber

A very worn specimen, probably a spruce carpet.

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