
Thursday 11 September 2014

Day in Norfolk. 09.09.14

A 4.45a.m. start for North Norfolk where I had been booked to take a birder out for the day, to less well known areas of the coast that may offer good bird watching. I picked Adrian up from the hostelry where he was staying at 7 and we were soon at Titchwell for some early morning birds. Good to get here before the crowds and so it proved as only a handful of birders were present. An early curlew sandpiper was noted on the Freshmarsh as we headed to the sea. Usual suspects all around: dunlin, black tailed godwit, 12 spotted redshank on Thornham Marsh were good, along with teal, and 2 garganey, pochard, little grebe etc.
From the beach the morning mist made sea watching tricky, but 5 arctic skuas, sandwich terns as well as common terns were present. All good day listers and it wasn't 9 a.m.,
Back at the Parrinder hide there were plenty of birds to check. A little stint performed well outside the hide, as did a bathing meadow pipit. Spoonbills, avocets, black tailed godwits, a few knot, redshanks and greenshanks all got on to the daylist. Back on the path we heard and then saw, a sizable party of superb bearded reedlings. I had only earlier commented upon the fact I had never managed a pleasing photo of this species. Hopefully, you'll agree, I have improved upon this with these offerings. Also, from the path, a great white egret.
ruff from Parrinder Hide

meadow pipit, Parrinder Hide

Little stint, Parrinder Hide

ruff and 2 little stint, footpath

great views of a party of bearded reedling near island hide, Here a male

2 females/first year birds

After coffee, we headed up to Choseley barns but, apart from yellowhammer, finches and red legged partridge we were disappointed. Whinchat had been recorded here, but not at that present moment. So, off to Burnham Overy Staithe, walking as far as the sea defence path. Added kestrel, willow warbler, chiffchaff, whitethroat before a bird, distant in reeds turned out to be a whinchat. On our wander back a large skein of pink footed geese were airborne along with several common buzzard, all towards Holkham Freshmarsh.
After a brief trip down Lady Anne's Drive we stopped off at Warham Greens and a walk to the metal gibbet. Not too much here at all apart from flocks of finches, but checking the sky we discovered a peregrine circling in thermals with another common buzzard. Then, we found ourselves at Cley ready for lunch. Picnic Fayre in the village supplied us with vitals and a coffee at the the visitors' centre was much appreciated. On to the reserve and into the hides where more waders were noted, mainly ruff and another group of little stints.
pink foots

long tailed tit, Burnham Overy Staithe
We then headed for the beach carpark and a brief wander towards the North hide that was. Many dog walkers here, so we returned to the car, having noted more meadow pipits and a brief glimpse of a probable wheatear. On to the east bank where we went straight to Arnold's marsh. More super waders with curlew sandpiper, curlews and more greenshank. A look skyward produced a hobby thermalling with a sparrowhawk above. A marsh harrier roosting in a tree was noted before a brief sea watch. As we headed back a long tailed, pointed winged bird appeared over the trees at Walsey Hills for a few seconds. Wings not seen above the body gave the impression of cuckoo, but not enough to confirm. Back to the car and off to Salthouse beach, but nothing here so a final stop on our easterly journey at Kelling water meadows. The reported bonellis was not to be seen, albeit seen by a group just as we walked away, but not evident to us as it flew off with a chaffinch, both birds flying in a most finch like manner! However, the most bird busy part of the day away from the marshes, with willow warbler, whitethroat, stonechat, teal, a flyby party of ruff as we arrived towards Muckleborough Hill.  A good walk and by now we were approaching 6pm. A long day with just one more stop at Stiffkey Fen. Here, the sun would be in our favour and birds would be coming into roost. We were not disappointed as green sandpiper, 2 eclipse pintail, more spoonbills, little egrets, wigeon etc were noted before a drive back to Sedgeford to drop Adrian off. The main purpose of the visit was to acquaint Adrian with the best birding sites along the coast. I think we managed quite a few, covering around 14 miles on foot, as I set off for home .
Upon arriving back in the village, I made a quick tally of species: 95 definites, 2 heard only and 2 possibles. A good tally for a busy day.
male stonechat, Kelling Quags. Note colour ringed, details forwarded to BTO

Female stonechat towards Muckleborough Hill.
Edit: just received details of the ringed male stonechat. It was ringed as a juvenile at Kelling Heath 06.07.12 and then paired up with a local unringed female at bred successfully at Weybourne Camp in both 2013 and 2014. So, very much a local bird.
Species list;
little grebe, gannet, cormorant, little egret, great whie egret, grey heron, spoonbill, mute swan, pink foot goose, canada goose, greylag goose, shelduck, mallard, gadwall, pintail, shoveler, wigeon, teal, garganey, pochard, tufted duck, common scoter, marsh harrier, common buzzard, sparrow hawk, kestrel, hobby, peregrine, red  legged partridge, grey partridge, pheasant, water rail (heard), moorhen, coot, oystercatcher, avocet, ringed plover, golden plover, lapwing, knot, turnstone, dunlin, curlew sandpiper, little stint, green sandpiper, redshank, spotted redshank, greenshank, black tailed godwit, curlew (50 species) snipe, ruff, arctic skua, black headed gull, common gull, herring gull, lesser black backed gull, greater black backed gull, sandwich tern, common tern (60 sp) stock dove, wood pigeon, collared dove, swallow, house martin, meadow pipit, pied wagtail, grey wagtail, wren, dunnock (70 sp) robin, wheatear (probable) whinchat, stonechat, blackbird, blackcap, whitethroat,cetti'swarbler (heard), reed warbler, willow warbler (80 sp) chiffchaff, great tit, blue tit, long tailed tit, bearded reedling, magpie, jay, jackdaw, rook, carrion crow (90 sp)starling, house sparrow, chaffinch, linnet, goldfinch, greenfinch, reed bunting, yellowhammer + cuckoo possible, making it 99 species for theday if you count the possible and probable. I do as neither are year listers etc and 99 is a good total. Oh for a grey plover, song thrush or common sandpiper to help make the ton.
However, I know Adrian got red backed shrike earlier today, so I am sure he will pass 110 species for his 5 day stay. Good luck with those woodpeckers!

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