
Monday 8 September 2014

Another successful local wander

Starting from town, I took footpaths to the north and east of the parish as I headed back to the village. Not too much about to begin with but a distant brown and white bird of prey had me going for a while until it took off: common buzzard! Towards the ponds at Hadham Hall were several swallows and 15+ house martins. Not too many left here, now. I scanned the water's edge and 2 common sandpipers were evident. A green woodpecker called, a barn owl scurried for cover in its tree hole and the willows were dripping with chiffers and willow warblers. Time was on my side, meaning I could grill each and every tree, but nothing else of migratory note. A goldcrest and treecreeper, plus jay were all about and a grey heron flew in. A loud call indicated the arrival of not one, but 2 grey wagtails that alighted not too far from where I was "hiding," trying for warbler photos.
All in all, a pleasing morning, as this is my first record of more than 1 common sandpiper and grey wagtail at this site and only 4th common sandpiper record.
common sandpiper

grey wagtails

grey wagtails


Insect wise, my 2nd brown argus of the year as well as migrant hawkers, ruddy and common darters as well as large white, speckled wood, red admiral, small tortoiseshell and common blue butterflies.
underwing of brown argus

brown argus

ruddy darter

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